May this coming year bring you many happy and homemade moments!
This weekend, we drove the 'DrentsRondje' while at our cottage up north. It is a route you can follow stopping at various beautiful farms and old houses. Some of the homes are lived in by artists which open them to the public each Christmas to view their works. There is a wine tasting at one farm, a B&B open house, homemade ice cream, etc..
We visited two places, one being a historic farm that has been turned into a museum. There were a number of beautiful pieces of needlework hanging there. They are part of the museum's collection. They also had an exhibition with various examples of clothing, lace and needlework. There were four ladies doing their crafts.
I wanted to share one of the needlework samplers hanging in the museum. This is from 1853 and depicts a hunter holding his bounty, swans, various angels, flowers and birds. There is no verse on the sampler but it contains a number of intials.
I designed this quilt for a workshop quite a number of years ago. It was fun to make and gives a whimsical place to hang all my Christmas cards.
"Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself."
~Norman W. Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas"
This is a Slovanian type of lace called 'Idrija'. It is a kind of tape lace that is made using only about six pairs of bobbins. I really enjoy making this kind of lace. The pattern meanders back and forth until you come back to where you start and bind off.
You can enlarge to photo to see the lace closer up.