Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Last finish for February!
More PS stash
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Chocolate Shoppe SAL progress
More about Beatrix Potter

I have been reading the biography of Beatrix Potter and wanted to share another passage from the book. One of my favorite characters from her books is Mrs. Tiggy~Winkle. For this reason, this quote was particularly humerous:
"Sometimes, on visits to relations, her companions travel unseen. 'Hunca Munca is very discontented in the small old box; I am also accompanied by Mrs. Tiggy ~ carefully concealed; my aunt cannot endure animals.'
'I have got my hedgehog here with me too; she enjoys going by train, she is always very hungry when she is on a journey. I carry her in a little basket.' "
Sunday, February 25, 2007

"Oh, mother," said Maggie, in a vehemently cross tone, "I don't want to do my patchwork."
"What! not your pretty patchwork, to make a counterpane for your aunt Glegg?"
"It's foolish work," said Maggie, with a toss of her mane,--"tearing things to pieces to sew 'em together again. And I don't want to do anything for my aunt Glegg. I don't like her."
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I love Susan Branch!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Beatrix Potter
Whenever I do a historical sampler, I like to read a book that pertains to it, if possible. This is easy with such a sampler and I am reading "The Tale of Beatrix Potter" by Margaret Lane. This book was published three years after Beatrix Potter's death in 1943 and has been rereleased. Here is a wonderful excerpt from the introduction which the author wrote in her diary after visiting the widowed William Heelis in Sawrey:
" 'The imprint of her personality,' I wrote in my own diary that evening after my long hours with Mr. Heelis, 'was on every chair and table. Her clothes still hung behind the door, her geraniums trailed and bloomed along the window-sill, her muddles lay unsorted at one end of the table while he took his meals at the other, even a half-eaten bar of chocolate with her teeth-marks in it lay among the litter of letters on her writing-table.' "
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
First day after the visit.....
I am getting my next quilt UFO ready. I am pin-basting it so I can start the hand quilting. It is based on a pattern from Judy-Ann's Womenfolk site: . I am making a series of small doll sized quilts. They are great fun to make and wonderful decorating items.
Friday, February 16, 2007
A completed quilt UFO
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Penny rug turned into a scissor fob
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Thank you to my 'cyber' friends

I wanted to thank all my 'cyber' friends from my FTLOS group. You are all really wonderful and like sisters to me! Your kind thoughts and concerns about Jos' accident have really been appreciated. He is doing fine and only has a slightly sore left shoulder. We are very lucky that he was not hurt. Replacing a car is easy enough but he can never be replaced for me. Thank you for being there for me not only now but always over since I joined the group. You are all very special ladies with hearts of gold!
Friday, February 09, 2007
OH NO!!!
Melted Snowman
Thursday, February 08, 2007
My snow midget
Friday, February 02, 2007
Checking in