I have received a couple of awards that I have seemed to kept hidden away for a while. I think it is time to bring them back out and pass them along to a blogging friend or two...

This award was given to me by Meari. Thank you so much and I would like to pass this one along to Lucy who I think is a kindred spirit who knows that beauty is in the image of an old quilt.

This award was given to me by Linda and she is someone I have discovered through my mother. They have visited each other for some time now and she is such a nice person. Thanks Linda! I am passing this award on to again one blogger and that person is Carolien. This was easy as it was because of Carolien commenting on my blog that I 'met' her. She decided to start her own blog after that and eventually we actually did meet since she lives in the same city as I do. Commenting on blogs can lead to things and I will be meeting another blogger, Annemarie, next weekend. If we hit it off half as much as with Carolien, I have a wonderful new friendship again.

And finally, I received this award from Mary Kathryn just this week. Thank you very much! I am passing this award on to another friend of mine who started blogging. Her name is Saskia and she was my very first member to join my quilt group. She has become like family to me along with the other ladies in our group. Stop in and say hello to her...