I placed them all in a bowl and pulled out three pieces of paper...
And the winners are:
Marie (Proverbs31)
Margaret (Solstitches)
I am going to go through the comments and look up your color choices. I am looking forward to making these coasters especially for each of you. Marie and Donna, will you please email me (see my profile) and let me have your address? I know yours, of course, Margaret.
Thank you again for participating and please stop in to say hello often as it makes me smile!
I am going to answer the questions about the designer and company of the book and banner linen in my next entry as many of you inquired about it. I want to share my progress on the Santa so please stop in then.
Edit ~ I am going to have a second round of names drawn again next Sunday. All those who did not win in the first round are getting a second chance. Please check back again on Sunday to see if your name was drawn as I will need your address to mail them to you. I have the first set all ready to go and will show you them tomorrow...