I went to a needlework shop with a friend on Tuesday. We had a wonderful time which we always do when we go there. I think that must have been it because I lost my head. I had a full customer coupon card and was able to spend 31,40 euro. Now you would think that was enough. I started buying the DMC overdyed threads. Okay, I was up to 21+ euro and still had more to spend. I was looking around and saw a new banner linen from a German company and loved the red color the minute I saw it. Only problem was I loved the cocoa brown and cream color too. I decided to buy the red and then happened upon a pretty black metal hanger made just for the banner. Oh no! Without thinking I bought it! Then I was paying for my purchases which at this point I had not really thought more about and was over the 'free money' from the full card. My friend Sonja (who is very bad at tempting me) showed me some DMC scissors which are a huge weakness of mine. There they went on the counter. Only when I pulled out my money and got my change did I realize what I was doing. I WAS ON A STASH DIET! I am not allowed to buy all this stuff! Does it help that the man gave me the DMC Home Sweet Home book for free?

Did I stop there? No, the story gets worse! We left the shop and Sonja said she thought we needed to sit and have a cup of tea. Maybe I needed a good stiff drink but instead we ordered our tea and then later ordered a warm apple strudel with vanilla sauce and whipped cream. There must have been something in that whipped cream because after we finished we went BACK to the needlework shop. Yes, you read that right! We went back and I bought the cream and cocoa brown banner linen too. What was I doing???

I came home to relax and was not feeling well for two days after so I have made a pitiful start to my first project from this book. I hope to work on it over the weekend.
Sonja's sister made me these house socks. They are so much fun! They slip on over your socks to keep your feet warm. I just love them and have been wearing them since Sonja gave them to me this week. Irma ~ thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness! I really appreciate it and so do my feet.
Well, the socks are too cute. Now as for the stash diet, you deserve it. You have been selling so much of your craft room stuff, you can spend some of it. There, tell that to Mr. Jos. LOL. That thread
is really pretty. Are you spending Christmas day at home, or at the cottage?
Love you, Mom
Those socks are so cute! They remind me of Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) who I adore.
You have shown amazing restraint all year, it's okay that you've splurged this once.
But, I am now in love with this Santa you are stitching and must know the name of the design so I can see if I can purchase it here in the U.S.A.
I so hope you're feeling all better now sweet Heidi.
Hahaha,zo herkenbaar Heidi!
Mij overkomt ook altijd zo iets...en ik kan zelf wel een winkeltje beginnen...;-)))
Poor Heidi. Maybe you could buy just a little stash every now and again so you don't lose control completely?
I hope you are feeling better!
Bad, Heidi!! But that banner fabric is just wonderful and I can't imagine it being left all alone at the shop. Good thing it now has a good home and a caring owner. LOL
Well, I would say: don't bother, you had a fun day with Sonja and will have lots of fun using this beautiful material, won't you? So what's the problem?! ;)
Love your socks, by the way. Yesterday I wore some knitted socks bought at Hoeve De Beek earlier this year. I love wearing knitted socks, must learn that some day ...
Have a great weekend & I hope you will feel better now! Hugs, Carolien
I love your indulgence, never mind your diet, diets are there to be broken (listen to the expert LOL) and those socks are pretty cute too!!
I recognise those little blue feet..haha! They look like the feet of someone who needs a rest and I'm not surprised after that spending spree...haha!
Well, where shall I begin because I know exactly which shop you are talking about and I have to say that I am not at all surprised that your resolve weakened :>) In my opinion Heidi, you were quite thrifty really and very philanthropic. Firstly you had to use the full coupon card otherwise, how could you start another so you are saving money!!. Secondly, how could that poor shop owner and his wife have food to eat at Christmas if all his customers go on stop buying his goodies. Actually, you really did a very generous and unselfish thing buying all that wonderful stash so, pat yourself on the back.
(You see how easily I can justify absolutely anything...haha!)
The stash actually really is gorgeous. I was looking at the DMC overdyed threads today in Hobbycraft. I have a few and will collect a couple each time i visit. The banner linen looks wonderful. I love the fudgy colour and will look for it in the wonderful cross stitch shop in Essen when I go next week. I love those little DMC books, I bought two myself when we visited. House and Garden looks really lovely.
I'm glad you and Sonja had such a wonderful day together :>)
Hugs, Angela
Heidi, I love those socks. I love all your stash. Actually, Heidi, you deserve all you bought, you have been a very good girl all year. What is the name of the design you are stitching?
Heidi...I'd have a hard time resisiting too. Pretty floss and I especially love the scissors.
Your blue fluffy socks are the cutest, perfect to keep you warm and cozy...hugs, Linda
Oh Heidi, you made me laugh! I don't blame you at all for falling off the stash diet wagon! I am also on a self-imposed 'stash reduction' but at least once a week I go into my favorite store - haven't bought anything in soooooo long, but it's very hard to be good!
Hallo Heidi, de sokken zijn heel makkelijk te breien, ik heb zelfs een hele yogagroep voorzien van mijn sokken. Op dit moment brei ik niet want ik heb nog een paar sokken op voorraad. Ik ben blij dat je nu ook warme voeten hebt
Liefs Irma
Hallo Heidi, ik ben helemaal enthousiast gemaakt door Sonja , om ook een blog te maken, alleen weet ik nog niet precies hoe alles werkt, die van jou is erg mooi. Ben benieuwd hoe jij dat hebt gedaan. Ik hoor het graag.
Liefs Irma
Hallo Heidi, Het is heel leuk dat Irma nu ook zo enthousiast is! Fijn dat je haar kunt helpen! liefs Sonja
Let's blame it ont he free card! It was the card's fault that you bought the extra things... It's OK, you can always start over tomorrow!
Hi, what a funny story, and then you went back ... giggles!!
Wishing you lots of fun with your purchases!
What a lovely shopping expedition!
To browse a needlework shop, have a coffee and yummy cake break and then go back to buy yet more - well, that just sounds like heaven to me.
I think you've done so well on your stash diet and deserve a reward.
I love your blue socks. They look so cosy and very fun.
You wicked spend thrift you! LOL
Glad you had such a wonderful time with your friend.
Hallo Heidi, nu probeer ik het toch ook maar!! Wat gaat daar veel tijd in zitten!! Ik hoop dat het gaat lukken. Ik kan alleen de beveiliging met die letters nog niet vinden.
O,O so bad...
But I love the stiching of santa.
I'm sorry i had to cancel the weekend, but I'm catching up with all the work I had to do. I would like to have a quilting weekend with you in appelscha, but maybe Januari or february is better. Not that much stress from work and the holidays.
I love those blue socks, I have the same kind, but then in red.
There my bedtime socks, because my feet are always cold. So for the first couple of minutes I keep them on when i get into bed.
Hugs Saskia
Those socks look so cosy and warm Heidi. As for the stash diet, you have managed 11 months out of twelve, and really 3 weeks into November, so maybe you deserve a treat! Well done anyway! Looking forward to catching up soon.
Oh my goodness - you really are a baaaad girl for buying all that lovely stash. No wonder you didn't feel well the next day.(LOL) Only teasing Heidi - I hope you are feeling better again.
Your socks are WOW!!
Love the Santa you are stitching.
It's as hard to be on a stash diet as it is to be on a "no sweets" diet isn't it? I'm glad that you had a fun time - enjoy your stitching goodies! (LOVE the socks, btw) :)
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