And speaking of elves.....Santa's workshop is in full swing. Miss Pickles the elf has time, while baking fresh pumpkin to use to bake some seasonal goodies, to work on a couple of items for the next on Santa's good list ~ Haali. Remember Haali, Santa is watching you!
The life of an elf is frustrating as I am going to have an empty blog off and on because I cannot share the gifts being made for now. I am very busy but won't have much to show for it right now. I do have a little item I just finished stitching for a pinkeep which I hope to share this week along with how to adapt the pinkeep to use for patchwork. More on all of that later.....
Heidi thank you so much for putting the link on your blog! This looks like such a fun movie to watch while stitching Christmas goodies. I'll have to order this one too. And, it has music by Harry Connick, Jr. I love his music!
Haali will always be on the good list. She also has a birthday on
the 27th. Can't wait to see the gift Miss Pickles is making. I'm sure it will be special. The movie looks very cute.
Love you, Mom
This film looks great, thanks so much for the link. Lucky Haali is in for a treat. It definitely pays to be god :>) Enjoy the exciting times ahead Miss Pickles, missing you already.
Hugs, Angela
Ooops, a missing 'o' certainly makes a difference. Apologies to Haali .. LOL
Hugs, Angela
It looks adorable! I have to tell, Haali is being good! She is doing great with her tough class load as well! Even Chemistry and Algebra II are A's. As usual she is extremely helpful as well! We are planning a big party for Friday as well! I can't wait to see the pinkeep!
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