And so for Groundhog Day, here is the pinkeep I made back in 2007.....
"As the light grows longer
The cold grows stronger
If Candlemas be fair and bright
Winter will have another flight
If Candlemas be cloud and snow
Winter will be gone and not come again
A farmer should on Candlemas day
Have half his corn and half his hay
On Candlemas day if thorns hang a drop
You can be sure of a good pea crop"
Bitterly cold here in Ireland Heidi but no snow in our area as yet. A perfect day for getting caught up on some projects so why am I sitting on my muter lol????
Certainly no shadows here in Gouda! It's like never-ending twilight. Ugh!
It's still too dark here to know anything - but I'm sure it will be on the morning news, so I'll let you know later! In truth, we use a Marmot here instead of a groudhog
Cute little stitched groundhog you've made!
This morning it was rather cloudy but in teh afternoon the sun came out a little bit. So, what would Puil do in this situation? LOL.
I will watch the movie Groundhog Day today.
Well, it is sunny today and I think
the groundhog did see his shadow. I bet he isn't as cute as the one you stitched though. I remember when you did this one.
We do not need any more winter. Enough already.
Love you, Mom
Heidi, I heard the little fella saw his, six more weeks of Winter. Your little pin keep is so cute..hugs, Linda
Do you know who published hte original pattern? It's so cute.
Hi Heidi, I was wondering what Groundhog Day was, thank you for explaining it! What a charming way to 'measure' the length of Wintertime :) Love your stitches!!!
Hugs, Carolien
What a lovely tradition Heidi. I would have to say this sweet little creature had better not stay out too long around here or else he'll get his little nose frozen off. We have snow, snow and more lovely snow :>)
Warm hugs, Angela
ROFLOL. Love the groundhog!
I like the meaning of Groundhog Day, Well we have had a mixture today, more snow than I have seen for 20 years but did have some sunshine but never thawed. London and the surburbs have been at a standstill, all schools closed, no buses running this morning and Heathrow no runaways open and they say more to come, maybe somebody else would like it instead of us.
Warm hugs,
P.S. I love your pinkeep Heidi.
6 more weeks of winter for us and I have plenty of projects to carry me through :-)
Love the pinkeep
Very cute, Heidi! Snowy and cold here in Norway...and will be for a while yet--LOL! Keep warm and cozy, my friend ((HUGS))
Phil says six more weeks of winter here in North East, PA. As I write this, it is snowing again...and I'm hoping the UPS man can make it to the cabin to deliver my newly ordered fabric :D
Love the pin keep Heidi!
Mooi, Heidi!!
Heidi - thank you for the pattern! I'm almost done with my last project and I might start it next> I have one that was for St. Patricks and I'd like to have it done by then, but this one is sooo cute. It might have to wait.
What a cute groundhog!!
That pudgy groundhog Phil did see his shadow, so 6 more weeks of snow for us. Yesterday, day after groundhog day, we got dumped with 10 inches of snow in a couple of hours. Guess he knows what he's talking about! LOL Your groundhog stitch is adorable! Love it.
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