Friday, January 18, 2008

Blogging friends

Today I went to meet a blogging friend that lives here in the same city as I do. Carolien started blogging back in November but had been reading and commenting on my blog for a while before that. We contacted each other to get together. I drove to her house this morning. She lives in a beautiful old house which is connected to the church. From the moment she opened her front door to greet me, she was warm and welcoming. I felt like we already knew each other a good bit through our blogs. She talks about her cat Lea on the blog. She is a friendly little cat who quickly decided to sleep through us chatting away over tea. I was invited to stay for lunch and met her sweet daughter Fleur who was home for her lunch hour.

The house Carolien and her family live in dates back to the 1920s and is a big beautiful home. I enjoyed her showing me the house and then she showed me through the passageway to the church. Well, I had no idea that we had such a beautiful church here.

She keeps chickens in her garden and look at the wonderful gift she had waiting for me. What a treat! As readers to my other blog know, I love being up at our cottage and going for fresh produce and eggs at the local farms. Isn't this amazing? I have fresh eggs from her own chickens. She lined the bowl with a quilt fabric and gave me three other fat quarters. Well, to say the least, I felt spoiled.

After lunch she made us another cup of tea and while talking, she gave me some items that had belonged to her mother who has passed many years ago. To a lacemaker, old items are very precious. She gave me a book with lace patterns, a box full of bobbins and a box full of old wooden spools with lace thread and various other items. I felt so touched that she wanted to give me these items. They will find a special place here.

Thank you so much Carolien for a wonderful day and I enjoyed meeting André and Fleur!


Nancy said...

Oh wow, that is such a wonderful gift. I am not surprised she is so nice, it comes out in her blog entries. I know you are going to treasure those bobbins and that book. I am so glad you got to know her.

Carolien said...

Hi Heidi,

Thank YOU! It was so nice to meet you and share our lives ... I hope we will continue this 'story' together! I will write about today in my blog this evening. (When nothing showes up, I just had some friends over the floor here! You never know what happens ...) I will be back soon, must make some spaghetti now ...

Big hugs, Carolien

Teresa said...

Oh how special that the two of you have met. What lovely gifts. This has been the sweetest post. Thank you for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to have a blogging friend close enough to visit! What lovely treasures she passed on to you, Heidi! Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend! ~ Lynda xox

Nancy said...

I'm happy that you and Carolien were able to meet! It sounds like you had a wonderful time together, and her house sounds wonderful!

What treasures she has given you. I know you will enjoy everything, and I see one of the fabrics is acorns! The lace book and bobbins are just amazing!

Christine said...

Oh what a nice day you had Heidi. I am so happy you two have met.

Solstitches said...

What a lovely day you had with Carolien.
Knowing your love for lace and all things vintage I know how much the lovely things that belonged to Carolien's mother will mean to you.
You have such a kind and giving heart that it is wonderful that this time it was you on the receiving end of such treasures.
Enjoy your special friendship. I hope the two of you can meet often.

Tanya Marie said...

How lovely to meet up with a blogging friend!

Enjoy your weekend,

Heleen said...

how great it is to have a blogfriend so nearby.

Sandra Evertson said...

That piece of lace is Amazing!
Sandra Evertson

Anonymous said...

What a joy it is to be able to share and connect in this way. I am sure you both will have fond memories of the day spent together and look forward to spending such quality time in the future.

crazyhaberdasher said...

How fortunate to have met Carolien and a very generous friend too!
She has certainly given you a treasure!
cheers, Marian

Kristen said...

OHHHH that is just so wonderful! I am so glad to hear that you two were able to get together and isn't it just great to get to form new friendships! The fresh eggs sound wonderful! YUMMMM...... I miss talking to you very much! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!