I decided that it needed to finish with a small row on the very top so I ended up adding one more row than I had planned. I am happy with this side of the pinkeep and now have to pick out the three lace patterns to use. I am wondering how far my lace friends are on theirs?
I need to spend a little time each month working on this chart called Silent Sampler. I was doing this as a SAL with a couple of other ladies. We decided to put it aside for the holidays. I wanted to pick it back up last week but thought better of it when I was working on the lace pinkeep as well as some surprises for a Valentine's Day swap. Now that these items are done, I will work on this sampler this week.
One of the fobs I made while working on my mother's fob I shared with you earlier is this little fob for my tapestry thread bag. I have the DMC for this sampler all together in this cute little bag and thought adding a fob would be fun. The charm on the end of this one is a spool of thread.
I did not get very far with my Silent Sampler last year but hope to make some leaps forward in the coming week. I will work on this one week out of each month so I can skip back to my Beatrix Potter sampler also.
Isn't this the sweetest verse? I found it online last year.
How various her employments whom the world
Calls idle and who justly in return
Esteems that busy world an idler too
Friends, books, her needle and perhaps her pen,
Delightful industry enjoyed at home
Can she want occupation who has these?
- 1822 Sampler Verse
I love the fob you made Heidi - especially the little spool of thread and the big pearl bead!
Your Silent Sampler is looking beautiful! I love the over one stitching and the colors are so pleasing to the eye.
And your lace pinkeep - it is striking! I love how this looks, and it is such a clever idea! I will look forward to your finish. Do you think you will be able to show the lace pinkeeps your friends make too? I would love to see all of them.
That is a lovely verse.
You asked about the size of the PL. It will be 22in by 22in finished.
Your over one piece is pretty.
And the band sampler is gorgeous.
Pretty little fob.
I love the roses, and I might be able to stitch on that fabric. It looks easy to see. I bet George would like it too. I will tell him to check out your blog today.
That fob is ohhhhhh so cute. I think the sampler and lace need to be two seperate projects. Which side would you show??????
Love you, Mom
Your Mom had me look at the cross stitch cloth your doing of the 3 roses so far. My question is how many strands of thread does it take to "fill" the piece to hide the fabrick.
Love ya, George
Your works in progress are amazing and beautiful Heidi. Such lovely things and I love the fobs that you make.
Hugs - karen
Hallo Heidi,
Met mijn pinkeep gaat het ook goed. Het borduurgedeelte is nu ongeveer op de helft. Dat gaat echt goed komen. En wat wordt jouw silent sampler mooi. Wat een fijn, over 1 draad?, borduurwerk.Ik ga morgen weer inspiratie opdoen voor de Poesie-lap. "Mutsen", in Den Bosch dit keer. Overmorgen operatie rug Irma in Nijmegen. Nu laat en dus naar bed.Liefs Sonja.
Wow, this is just gorgeous! I love the Sampler! The fob is so nice as well! YOu just never cease to amaze me.... WOW....
Gorgeous!! Wonderful colors for the pinkeep! The verse is very true - and who would have time to stitch with working full time!?
The Silent Sampler is stunning and I dare you to finish it in February! LOL!!!!!
Love to you!!
Beautiful fob and beautiful work as always.
The fob is adorable! I've tons of beads and have been wanting to attempt one but I haven't found the proper lobster claw fittings for it.
The Silent Sampler is going to be so pretty as is that lace pinkeep. I just love that white on brown. Heidi, you do such lovely work!
Your band sampler is lovely! Well done!
Everything is so nice and the new sampler start is going to be wonderful. Love the crazy quilt above too :)
The lace pinkeep is so beautiful. The designs you've chosen are amazing!
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