I love trees! The return of Autumn each year is a special time. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a tree put on a coat of color to celebrate the cycles of nature. Next will come the revelation of its bare structure to show strength against the coming winter winds and snow. The seasons are to be celebrated!
Live thy Life,
Young and old,
Like yon oak,
Bright in spring,
Living gold;
Then; and then
Gold again.
All his leaves
Fall'n at length,
Look, he stands,
Trunk and bough
Naked strength.
~~~Alfred, Lord Tennyson ~~~
Painting: "The Talking Oak"
by William Maw Egley
What a lovely picture! I have always loved trees too and have Joyce Kilmer's first edition of poems from my grandfather's collection. His poem on Trees is a classic.
Hello Heidi,
Such a beautiful poem to go with a beautiful photo. We have so many trees around our house. They provide shade for us in the summer so the house doesn't get as hot as it would otherwise, and now in Autumn, they are throwing acorns at our roof! We will see their "naked strength" soon in the winter months ahead.
Have a lovely day,
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