Sunday, May 24, 2009

Needle in hand...

That is how I have been spending my time when I was not sleeping. I am happy to say that I fall asleep less now during the day and today did not feel so cold until late afternoon when it was back to my clothes closet to slip on a sweater. I do feel while it is slow going that I am improving a little. My doctor felt she was perhaps increasing the dosage of my medicine too quickly which was giving me strange headaches in the middle of the night. She is slowing the pace a little and still assures me to just be patient.

So what do I do to be patient? I sit with needle in hand of course! It has been my best friend through all of this. I don't have the energy to quilt so I am working on my stitching projects and making slow progress. So slow, in fact, that the tortoise would look like a speed demon beside me but that is okay.

We had a long holiday weekend here in Holland and drove up to Cranberry Cottage on Thursday. We stayed through Saturday and decided to drive home last last night as it seems that Holland has discovered the beauty of the north. They were 'all' up there this weekend. Traffic was terrible. By coming home on Saturday night, we were able to avoid the traffic having to return home on Sunday.

So we decided to enjoy our Sunday here in our city garden. I sat in the shade with my stitching while Jos was refinishing an old iron garden table. It has turned out to be a thing of beauty by the way! I tried to spoil him while he worked and made him a fresh fruit salad of Galia melon, banana and strawberries for lunch and then a break later with Ice Coffee. Yep! You can see them next to my stitching. *grins*

My 10 Virgins is coming along nicely and I actually finished 5 more letters from the moment I took this photo. Alas, it is at the neglect of other projects! I need to get back to my French Abecediare SAL very soon. I am so behind on it. I just cannot seem to get away from these 5 giggly gals as my friend Angela has dubbed them. I have decided I am not allowed to work on them this week so I can try and catch up a little on the SAL.

I am also hoping to spend some time visiting many of you this week to see what you have been up to lately. For all our American friends, I hope you are enjoying a happy Memorial Day weekend.

What are you working on???


Linda said...


Those drinks look so yummy! I can almost taste them all the way over here in Virginia. I haven't really done much needlework this weekend. Friday I worked on starting a few new things. I seem to start tons - finish none - LOL! Hopefull I'll get some stitches put in some things tonight while watching a movie and then the race.

The hygenist I had clean my teeth on Friday said that she had her thyroid removed a couple of years ago.

Linda in VA

wilma said...

Wat een heerlijk weekend is het geweest hé??!!

Sonja said...

Het klinkt goed dat je iets van vooruitgang merkt. Was het een beetje rustig in jullie city garden? Fijn dat Ir nu ook weet hoe CC is. Hoe gaat het met de maagden? Moeten ze het nu een week zonder je doen? Inmiddels heb ik 1 hartje geborduurd, dus mag ik morgen iets anders doen. Ik denk de grote lap.... Of toch iets nieuws??
(En ik kan nu dankzij Robbert ook foto's van m'n telefoon op m'n Blog plaatsen).

Pondside said...

That is a very sweet pattern, Heidi - no wonder you're keen to work on it all the time!
I'm so glad to hear that you feel that you have regained some of your energy. Here's hoping that there will be more improvement for you soon.
These days I'm mostly working on sewing for the house - re-covering the cushions for the wicher furniture.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love iced coffees! It amazes me just how popular they have become. Here in America just about every single fast food restaurant serves them now.

Denise said...

Hope you are feeling better and
just zipping along with that needle! Your salad and iced coffee sounds/looks wonderful!
Try this some time: fill a glass with vanilla ice cream, pour a cold
Coke over it -- enjoy! Coke Floats
were a biggie when I was a child.

Suzann said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. As always your stitching is perfect and I would love to join you in an iced coffee! Yummy.
I am enjoying a lovely Memorial Day weekend and getting lots accomplished. The weather is wonderful. Unfortunately, with all the painting, not enough time to stitch anything.

hazel c UK said...

Love the sound of the fruit salad and ice coffe Heidi, I can imagine you in your garden stitching away, pleased to read you are feeling a little better. Nasty headaches are never pleasant.


What are we going to do without Alan this week?

Annemarie said...

I'm so glad you're starting to feel a teensy bit better, Heidi!

Love the virgins. And if they keep screaming at you to pick them up and work on them, why not listen?

Nancy said...

You iced coffee looks really good, and I know it is. Your stitching is coming along very well. I love working on things that I really like.
I am working on another poncho, and I think it is the eighth one. I went to Joann Fabrics today and bought a book of 100 hats to knit and chrochet. I want hats for the craft show also.
I am wondering why you are not online today. Hummmmmmm.
We had a nice day with Eric and Becky yesterday.
Love you, Mom

irma said...

Heidi, ik vond het ook heel leuk om bij jullie te zijn geweest, we hebben een heerlijk weekend gehad en veel geklets met Son , echt heel fijn zo'n zus. Vond jullie cottage heel gezellig, ben nu wel benieuwd naar je huis, volgens Son is dat nog veel gezelliger.
Liefs Irma

mainely stitching said...

Those iced coffees just look way too delicious, Heidi! Yummy! And your % Giggly Girls is looking great! :D Love the color!

I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better, although I wish the progress were a bit faster. All good things take time, I suppose. Take care!!!

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Hello Heidi,
Glad to hear that you are beginning to feel better. Making a fruit salad and some iced coffees is an achievement, because you felt like doing it.
We have been to the Lake District for a week's holiday.
I took some handwork with me and did two crochet collars for bears and worked on a 'Whispered by the Wind' cross-stitch picture which is very slow to do. Must remember to take a picture of it. Meanwhile, it is back to work tomorrow.

lena-lou said...

What a shame you have not been feeling very good! I hope things start improving faster for you. I feel for you having been through this myself. However, on the bright side I can promise it does get better slowly but surely :)

Those coffees look the business and I am enjoying all your recipes... have not tried any yet but I have plans.

Take care, keep warm, keep stitching and improving :-)) ((hugs from England))

DonnaTN said...

Boy, does that coffee look good! I may have to detour into the kitchen. The stitching looks great even if it is slow going. Hope you continue to progress in both stitching and feeling better.

MarianneD said...

Dat ziet er allebei goed uit Heidi....;-)) Lekker van het zonnetje genoten?
Geduld is een schone zaak Heidi,maar soms moeilijk hé?

Brigitte said...

Being patient isn't always easy but iced coffe, fruit salad , a wonderful stitching project and a beautiful garden are certainly very helpful. It all looks very inviting.
I'm glad to read that you are improving, slowly but steadily.

Saskia said...

I like to have one of those coffee's please...
You can bring them over any time next week, when I'm working as a painter, plummer, carpenter in my new home.
I tasted them once, and like one more.
Sandwiches and fruit will come in handy too if you bring the coffee over ;-)

Elizabethd said...

I love the look of your iced coffee, can almost taste it!
Take care of yourself, I pray for your health.

anneke said...

I'm glad you are getting well, though slowly.
We stayed at home last weekend, as we will be the next weekend, before it is the place we feel the most relaxed as a family. And traffic won't be a problem this way too...

Julie said...

All I can say is D-LISH! on everything. You know I have never stitched outside and I so need to.