But spools are sweet for yet another reason...
...they are a quilt block. I made this quilt back in 2005 to use for a quilt workshop. I was teaching how playing with simple half square triangles, you can create a wide variety of blocks including the traditional spools block. I called the quilt "Sew Many Spools".

These tabletopper quilts are wonderful ways to add accents to decorate your home. I have it in my laundry room now with my antique sewing machine and irons. I continue to use my little quilts throughout my home in various ways each year. By changing them off continually, the quilts all become new again when I get them out after not using them for a while.
I love to change things around too - that feeling of freshness or newness when you can fall in love all over again with your quilt or bowl or whatever!
I love this collection of old spools, irons and your sewing machine. And all this displayed with your quilts - wahta beauty. It has always been my dream to make all sorts of quilts and change them around - maybe one I will.
I left a comment but I'm not sure it arrived: so only this: I love this little quilt!
Heidi, I love this quilt. I also love your collection of spools and your sewing machine.
oh, how beautiful! I can't quilt, but it always fascinates me to see the endresult when others do it. There is something so pretty about the way the colours come together.
I'm dating myself here, but I remember the days of wooden spools. My mom had some in her sewing box, and now I'm wondering what happened to them.
As always, I love your quilt, and your vignette. I wish I could see your home in person! And while we're at it, you could give me pointers on quilting, right?
So many beautiful things already on your blog Heidi, I love it. Those quilts a couple of posts down are soooo gorgeous. I still have soooo much to learn
Oh, what a gorgeous quilt!!
I love wooden spools, too!
Heidi I love this quilt. I feel like I can "touch" the spools!!!! I have some really old spools in my sewing box in fact some of them are almost 50 years old ~ the thread is probably very weak but they came from the factory which my late Father managed & they made Irish linen tablecloths napkins etc so I wouldn't part with them. I remember as a child being fascinated with all the lovley colours I recently sewed a quilt for my cousin & hand quilted it using one of the spools. Marie x
I didn't forget to give you my wooden spools. As soon as my yarn is gone, I'll save the spools for you.
My laundry room had a make-over too. But not because I wanted to re-decorate..
About your last blog, the only thing I can say is, that there are people in the world who wants control on everything, and everyone. Little sad, it destroys peoples creativity..
Don't let her do that to you!
Love all your antique sewing goodies. Your spool quilt is so sweet. Hope you are feeling better, and have a good weekend.
It is so nice to see an 'old friend' that you havent used for a while. My stitching gets put away and then brought out, so nice to see it again!
I love your Sew Many Sppols quilt and the way you have displayed it is really lovely.
As always after a visit to your blog I come away feeling inspired.
The spool table-topper is lovely, Heidi! I have a "thing" for old thread spools too...I like thinking of all the sewing past. Your collection and photos here are wonderful. Your treasuring of the past is inspiring. :o) Happy week ((HUGS))
Your table topper quilt is lovely. That looks like a project I could tackle.
It's beautiful Heidi and your laundry room I bet looks great. I love to change things around also. It always gives the room a fresh new look and it doesn't cost a thing.
Hugs - karen
I love that quilt. The spools are so cute to put on a quilt. I might have more wooden spools for you, I thought I gave all I had to you, but I will look again.
Love you, Mom
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