Instead, I thought I would show an old photo from an entry back in 2006. This sweet little chart was sent to me complete with thread by a dear online friend Joanne. I stitched it up into a pinkeep which is currently standing under my winter tree.
Edit note: Thanks for your supportive and kind remarks. She did thank me for buying her design but I felt uncomfortable sharing any photos after her correcting comments about the thread color. I feel handworkers for the most part have gracious and caring hearts. So that is what I am trying to be after feeling like a child being corrected when I received this email but feel that having photos of it on my blog is free advertising.
My goodness, how ridiculous!!! The designer could have been glad that you did buy her pattern!!! Aren't people allowed to be creative with things? I think it's madness.
Sorry, these things make me Grumpy!
Have a nice day though :)
Hugs, Carolien
wow, you cant show a pic of your finished piece because the designer didnt like that you changed a color? i agree with the previous post, they should be grateful/glad that you liked the design enough to buy it!! its not like you were making/scanning the chart and giving it away!! you were showing your creativity!
Well, that would have left a bad taste in my mouth too, Heidi. When an artist or designer sells something, I believe he or she relinquishes the right to dictate how it will be used. Just because and artist believes a wooden frame is necessary for a painting, doesn't mean I can't use a gilt frame. Just because a designer believes a sillhouette sampler should be done in black doesn't mean she can tell me I can't stitch it in burgundy.
You are very gracious, but I just want to say to the designer "If you want to design in a vacuum then don't market your designs"
(Pondside steps off soapbox and scrambles off!)
Hi Heidi, if I were you I would put a very very LARGE picture of that finished work on your blog to proudly show us, I would love to see it! Never mind the comment of that designer (what was her name...?). It is your work and if you are happy with the result, that is the only thing what matters. So if you would like to stitch Santa's coat in blue, please do so ;-)
Hey Heidi,
I'm sorry the comments made you feel so horrid. I don't presume the designer inteded it that way, but sometimes words ill chosen can make us feel truely horrible.
So, I just leave you a nice warm hug and wish you lots of fun with your next project!
Good grief Heidi! Do some people not have enough to do - that they have to nitpick about a minor color change. I change colors all the time. And the color may have shown up on a different shade of linen perhaps. But there are many times when a thread color doesn't show up on the linen I'm using and I change it. Or am I supposed to use the linen dictated in the pattern or the designer police will come after me! You were so proud of this piece and love it so much. I would think the designer would be thrilled that you took the time to stitch it and show it to people so that they would want to buy it also. I did want to buy it, but I wouldn't buy it now for all the tea in china. No way would I want to give her my money!!
Linda in VA
I'm sorry if my comment comes off sounding harsh, butyou are the kindest dearest person who wouldn't hurt a flea or be rude to anyone! And that anyone would do and say something like this to you really gets my dander up!! Off my soapbox now!
Linda in VA
I've been offline a day or two, so this post is new to me and I'm just REELING at the thought of a designer criticizing/correcting or in any way negatively commenting on a color change in a design. My good heavens, someone has a big head on her shoulders! Having seen this piece IRL, I can stand up and shout that it is GORGEOUS!
But what I started off to say was that I'm laughing at your Dress Warm finish, as it has been so cold lately!! Very apt!
Hi Heidi, I am so sorry to read you have been upset by this designer but you are taking a very sensible attitude in the way you are dealing with it. Whatever happened to freedom of choice.
After having holidayed with you last year for 8 days I know you would not upset anyone intentionaly.
Lets see more of you work soon.
Love and Hugs, Hazel (UK)
Dear Heidi....I agree with all the above comments. All I know if I were a designer, I would be thrilled for you to stitch something I designed and then share it. You are the sweetest and would never do anything to upset another person.
Hugs, Linda
How RUDE! I am sure I'd NEVER buy another of her designs again!
My Dearest Heidi,
There are people in the world who are so full of self-importance that they cannot see beyond themselves. You broke no laws in changing the colors. As a free agent, you are allowed to add your artistic flare to any chart. I do not believe we sign a contract stating that we must stitch as is on the chart. I would surely be locked up in cross stitch jail if this were the case! You have such a gentle spirit and I know the words must have caused you great angst for you to have deleted all the pictures of your sampler. Are you sure the person who contacted you is the real designer? I can't imagine any successful person being offended with a chart/color change. I would love to see a picture of your beautiful sampler but I will respect your decision. Take care and keep stitching!
When you buy a chart, it belongs to you and you can take creative license over that chart/design. Honey, I think it's deplorable that anyone would criticize you on your choices. I'm sending hugs to you - I am so sorry that there are people in the world who are so mean spirited.
Dear Heidi,
I am sorry you had an unpleasant e-mail from the designer. Consumers, unlike designers, do not always have access to the fabric or fiber choices designers have. In these instances I believe the consumer has the right to adjust the design to meet her needs. You go ahead and enjoy stitching the piece as you see fit. The designer merely uses materials available to them. Consumers have the same right.
I got in on this topic late, so have not seen the piece. Hope you do finish it, and display it proudly on your blog.
That is insane, Heidi, and how horrible for her to act that way. She was the childish one and that really urks me! I've never heard of such behavior. I'm sorry I didn't get to see your work.
I'm glad I was lucky enough to see it in real life!! I hope you can still enjoy this sampler as it is gorgeous just the way you stitched it!!
dear Heidi my solution is give it an other name. This is your creative thing.
Oh dear! I have to say that I frequently change colours of cross stitich designs, they arent set in stone. Not only that, I add bits to the design...because I feel like it, because I want to personalize it.
What a shame that your pleasure in making that beautiful sampler was spoiled.
I was certainly surprised that the designer took this attitude towards you changing the colors. I've seen the piece in real life and it is lovely.
Hats off to you though for just taking it off your site so that she is not upset any longer.
What a warm & cuddly finish.
Heidi-you have every right to share your project and your changes for that matter. You have every right to change whatever you want about any design you choose to stitch. I have a few of this designer's charts in my stash and I am now wondering if I want to stitch them because there is one chart I am definitely changing the floss on. Maybe I will start it today and make it my blog banner.
Stitching is a creative process and the chart is just the starting point. People change out floss all the time for the very reason you did, it didn't show up on the linen.
YIKES - I think when we purchase a pattern if we choose to make changes to something that might work better for our own home - IT'S OK. It's called freedom of expression isn't it. With so many pattern designers out there I would be thrilled that someone was buying my patterns. I don't think you did anything wrong at all sister. Would love to see the finished project.
Hugs - Karen
Heidi, I think thats just awful that the designer made you feel so bad. I would think she would be flattered that you are stitching her design and changing it to suit your likes. I would love to see a picture of it. I bet its lovely. I change colors very often because
I don't always have the threads available that the designers call for and to also to match my home.
Besides this being a ridiculous action by the designer, the sad thing is that it spoilt all your fun of sharing the pictures of your finished work with us.
Heidi, I think you should show the piece. Not to be offensive, but because YOU CAN. The designer has no recourse. You've broken no laws except this woman's controlling and mentally ill personality. I'm glad she emailed you. It just lets other stitchers know where we can go and not go. It's her loss.
Heidi,niets van aantrekken,je hebt alle recht om iets te veranderen,dat heet eigen inbreng...gewoon doen!Ik verander ook vaak patronen en maak er zo iets eigens van,veel leuker dan klakkeloos navolgen....
Dit soort dingen maakt me zo boos!
Good for you removing the photo of your Ohio sampler, as you don't want this particular designer to get any more free advertising. I for one, did not even know about this sampler, until I saw yours, and immediately added it on to the list of things I would like to buy in 2009. But, after reading about her comments to you, I am having second thoughts. As the design calls for Soie d'alger, which I do not have in my stash and cannot afford to buy, I for one, would have to change the threads used and probably the colours, which I do all the time, to suit my particular preferences. Stitching is not 'painting by numbers' where we each follow faithfully what the designer has used, how boring would that be. I have posted a couple of finishes recently on the Legacy Board and have received positive comments from Ellen Chester (With my Needle) and Alma (Blackbird Designs) on their works, even though in both cases, I used totally different colours to the original designs. Historic Stitches should 'Get a Life'.
I thought most designers were only too happy to see the changes stitchers make when working their designs.
I'm sad I didn't get to see a picture of the finished piece. I hope what happened doesn't spoil your enjoyment of it.
That woman does not deserve any showing of her designs and I hope no one buys any she does again. How stupid that is. Does she honestly think anyone cares what colors SHE uses. They don't match every house. I hope everyone knows who she is so they can blackball her, and I hope she is reading the comments of what everyone who looks at your blog thinks.
Love Mom
IF you have any sense, you will come to this blog and say you are very sorry for being so very silly.
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