The wonderful free projects that can be found online especially on blogs lately is amazing. There are some really creative people out there that enjoy sharing. I found this project recently and decided that since I have completed a quilt UFO and have the next well underway, I would allow myself to start this stitchery BOM that has just start this month. I was able to stitch up the first block in just one evening and it was great fun. Here is the results of my first month of Noah's Ark...

If you are interested in this adorable little project, you can find it at
Lynette's blog. This designer is new to me and I am really loving her stitchery projects. Go on over and take a look...
Oh my!! I truly love the stitchery and hope to try my hand at it! You are awesome and I love this and please don't say you stitched it in one night, stretch it out a bit for the really slow, like me!! lol
This is so precious! I can only imagine how amazing it will all look. You truly inspire me.
Hello Heidi, this little stitchery is lovely and you made already a quiltblock of it? Great!
Now I am going to take a look at Lynette's blog. Groetjes, Elly
This is going to be a very pretty project Heidi! I love their cottontails!
I looked at this a few days ago - or another blog that showed a stitcher's similar block. Very pretty indeed - and as you can start something new because you have virtuously completed one of your UFOs!
Oh, how sweet is that! I love it! I cant wait to see the progress on this project! One of my favorite stories too! :)
Um, Heidi....BOM?
Lovely stitchery by the way!
This is so cute. Is is going to be a collection sewn together? It is so simple and just great looking. Will you do an arch too?
Love you, Mom
Oh my gosh, Heidi, that is too cute!! I wil enjoy watching your progress. Great job!
Oooh this is lovely :) I am going to look at the link !
I love adding stitchery to quilts! Looks great!
That is so cute, you did such a nice job as always. Everything you make is always so pretty.
How cute! I just love the bunnies! Beautiful work Heidi! ~susan in SC
What pretty little bunnies. They look so Springlike. Thanks for the link I had a great time on Lynette's blog. I hadn't realised she had published a pin cushion book. Her designs are wonderful and her freebies so generous :>)
Hugs, Angela
I love that grahpic, Heidi! Of course, anything with cute animals is right up my alley!
Where do you find the time to do all that you do?
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