It is once again Friday and I share a new photo of my progress on the Beatrix Potter Quaker sampler. The passion flower really seemed to take me forever to stitch. I do love it though now that it is finished. I also stitched the little flower to the right of it and have started on the small half medallion next to that flower. Hopefully, I will be able to catch up on a couple weeks of the SAL assignments now that this large motif is complete. I still feel as though I am desperately behind the others. *sigh*

Since today's quote will be about Beatrix's purchase of Hill Top Farm, I thought I would show you a few photos I took from the book "At Home With Beatrix Potter" by Susan Denyer. This is a such a pretty book and you never tire of looking at the incredible photographs in it. Here is a view of Hill Top Farm and the village of Sawrey. The next photo is the bed at Hill Top and Beatrix's patchwork quilt. I love this quilt and would someday love to create a miniature example of it.

From Margaret Lane's biography:
"In the summer of 1905, during the long family holiday at the Lakes, Beatrix Potter had taken the unexpected step of buying a farm. Her earnings, together with a little legacy from an aunt, had accumulated into a comfortable sum which it seemed prudent to invest; and this common~sense aspect of the affair, as of a sound speculation, made it possible for her to complete without much remark a purchase which, to her, had a far deeper significance."
"The buying of Hill Top Farm was more, however, far more to Beatrix Potter than a speculation. It was a symbol, representing more than one smothered element in her nature. It stood for important decisions and delicate choice, and though decisions and choice produced their fruit only after many years, her emotions about Hill Top were to the end so complex and intense that the sensation of that first break~away, that grasping of life in the country that her heart chose, perhaps never completely faded."
Your sampler is looking beautiful Heidi! We are using different threads, but the colors look almost the same to me. I like the quilt too!
Have a nice day Heidi,
Hi I found your links through Anita's blog. Lovely stitching! We have not long come back from a visit to Hill Top in the Lakes. What is amazing is that she uses her house in her illustrations in her childrens books. Love the sampler. I am very tempted to get myself one. xx
This design is lovely! I really like it!!
As always, Heidi, I love your storytelling. :)) And, of course, your stitching. Will I ever catch up with you!!??
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