Tuesday is here again and this is the next recipe...Italian ham rolls. These are just so simple to make. They are great for a tea table but also if you want something to serve when people stop by. You won't believe how great they taste!
Italian Ham Rolls:Frozen puff pastry
Grated cheese
Raw ham such as Parma ham or Spanish Serano ham
Allow the puff pastry to thaw. In Holland, we can buy it in little squares of approxiametely 5 inches. If your sheets are larger, cut it down to work for you. Spread the pastry with pesto.
Sprinkle on the grated cheese. You can use any cheese you wish but I use Dutch old cheese as it has a fuller taste.
Now lay enough ham over to cover. Be sure to use a ham that has a good strong flavour such as any Italian or Spanish ham. Regular ham slices will not taste good with this recipe.
Now roll up your square of pastry. I use a little of the pesto residue to help close the end.
Cut each square in 8 slices.
Lay on a baking sheet covered with foil. This helps make for an easy clean up too once they are baked. Don't worry about making these perfectly neat and round. Some may even pop open as they bake but they look great and taste even better. Place for 15 to 20 minutes in a preheated oven - 200C/400F. Enjoy!And now a finish...
With spending much time on the couch resting and keeping warm while I am recovering, I am using my time with my needle. This is the Blackbird Design freebie Petite Letters Rouges that I think the entire stitching world is working on. I did not make mine to enter their contest but as I thought it was a sweet way to honor my grandmother who was very magical to me. I have a number of little samplers in mind for names of family members and this is the first of them. I have finished this framing it first with vintage lace from Brugge, Belgium and little vintage buttons and then using a wooden frame that I have had for over 20 years. Fun to see that something I have had so long now came to great use again. It was just the right size.
My grandmother grew up thinking her name was Bertha Alverna but only after asking for a birth certificate did the family find out that she was named Bertha May on the certificate. Even this is odd as the name is spelled Mae in her family but May on the certificate. I decided to use it exactly as is on her birth certificate. She was born in 1902.
I loved being with her. I loved helping her out as she could not get around well. When I got my driver's liscense, I enjoyed stopping it to see her, run over to help when she needed it or come get her in her wheelchair and take her shopping. I enjoyed her stories of the old days when I asked her about things for a school project. I remember her making us a wilted lettuce salad that we don't know how she made. I remember her always telling my little brother and I, as soon as we came in the door, to go get a piece of candy from her candy dish. We broke the lid once and she got the same candy dish in plastic afterwards. I rescued that candy dish as my aunt was going to throw it away when she died. She exclaimed it was plastic and trash when I asked it I could have it. Not to me it isn't and I still have it in my quilt studio!
Health update: Last Friday, what I thought was a cold got so bad it made it impossible to breath and Jos took me over to our emergancy doctor's post by the hospital. The doctor there put me on antibiotics to help with the slime building up which was making me feel like I would sufficate because of the enlarged thyroid. I had a severe sinus infection. The antibiotics are helping and I feel much better in that respect. I just have to be patient while I get started on the thyroid medication as the specialist said my thyroid is not working anymore. That means allowing time for my body to respond to it all. Still cold, tired and in a good deal of pain but happily stitching away with my
charm quilt keeping me warm.
The ham rolls sound yummy! I hope that your thyroid medicine starts working soon and you start to feel better. At least you have your stitching to occupy your mind and pass the time!
The story of your grandmother sounds great, she was a special lady ... The story of your health sounds NOT great. I hope things turn out for the better soon!!!
Beterschap & big hug
(me, coughing, having had a night of 3 hours of sleep because of that, hum, we both could do better, don't you think? :)
Your sampler is lovely Heidi just like all your work. Sorry you are still feeling low but I am sure things will brighten up for you soon. The ham rolls sound delicious.
Keep cheerful,
Love Hazel (UK)
I had an Aunt Bertha growing up. She went by Bert. My sister's middle name is Mae (spelled with the "e"), altho for a long time I always thought it was spelled May - LOL!
Linda in VA
Thank you so much for the delicious recipe. I can't wait to try them.
Your little sampler dedicated to your grandmother is so pretty. i love the way you have finished it and the lovely memories of Bertha May you have shared with us. Mine too has May on it as it's my MIL's name. She was born in 1909 so it must have been a popular name of the time.
I hate hearing how ill you've been Heidi. You know my thoughts :>)
Get well soon.
Hugs Angela
My hubby would love those ham rolls... Your grandmother a very special, wonderful lady--thanks for sharing this story, Heidi. Hope you are doing ok. :o) ((HUGS)) speter
Hello Heidi, Thank you for sharing your wonderful needlework and recipes. The ham rolls sound delicious.
My daughter in law's thyroid stopped working completely about 2 years ago and she takes Thyroxin every day. She now has lots of energy and feels fine. I hope you'll feel much better soon.
Best wishes, Lynda
Thank you for the recipe! It sounds wonderful and something I'm going to have to try. Also love your Petites Lettres Rouge and your finish! Beautiful!
Well, I love the sampler in honor of my wonderful Mom. She was so special. I like the way you did the lace, and the pictures beside it are so cute, and one has My Gramma on it. The one of her holding you is cute too and I so remember it. We moved to Maryland on the day you turned one week old, and she came with us.
Your ham rolls look good but, your Dad would say "get the fat off of that ham girl". Can you hear him? Bet you can.
Love you, Mom
What a lovely story about your Grandmother and lovely stitching also. Thank you for sharing the ham roll recipe.
Be well and hugs2u
Such a lot in this post, Heidi! First of all, I'm so sorry to hear that you are not getting better as quickly as all of us would like - thank heavens your Jos took you to the emergency clinic.
The ham rolls look yummy and will feature here on the weekend! Thanks for the tip about the ham as I might have been tempted to use ordinary ham.
I've been over to Blackbird studio for the sampler pattern - too, too sweet, and I love the way you've framed it.
Stay on that couch, rest and gather strength!
Thanks for that recipe - i am going to try it this weekend as an appetiser for a dinner party.
I really love how you framed the sampler - it is a very special piece and just looks perfect how you finished it with the lace and buttons :)
I love the recipe Heidi, thanks for posting. I will probably try it this weekend.
Take good care of yourself.
Hi Heidi, I loved reading about your granma...such happy memories and this sweet cross stitch is a lovely remembrance to her. Using the lace is a lovely touch...it looks very old fashion. My granma's first name was May and it's my middle name...but ours is spelled with an e...I feel she is always with me.
These ham rolls look so delish...thank you for our second recipe.....I'm planning a tea party (Nov/Dec) using your recipes and a couple of my favorites...Sending healing thoughts to you, take care...hugs, Linda
Hello Heidi! And to anyone reading this, Heidi's recipe today is out of this world - I just loved it at our high tea! :D
Your sampler is a beatuful piece of needlework as well as a wonderful tribute to your grandmother. The things you say about her make me think of my own wonderful Grams, who was one of the very few people in the world with the gift of making me feel I was loved unconditionally.
I hope you'll enjoy a restful weekend and that you'll be feeling better. I'm thinking of you (even if I have been horrible at staying in touch).
MMm,ik ruik je italiaanse hamrolletjes al!
Die ga ik van de week zeker maken..
Wat is je merklapje lief geworden,mooi zo'n herinnering...
En dat was even schrikken,zo'n plotselinge benauwdheid...gaat het nu weer een beetje beter met je?Gezellig weekend Heid!
Your recipes are pure delight. Particularly this one. I will try it out in two weeks when my children and a couple of guests will be here.
I love your version or the Petites Lettres Rouges. And the framing is just beautiful.
Oh so sorry Heidi I really thought I had left a comment on this posting! Blogger does disappear them sometimes- I am sure !
Your PLR is so pretty with the lace all round for finishing and how lovely you did it in honour of your Grandmother. Yours is very special :-))
I mainly popped back to say stick in there and things will pick up again with your health, I know it takes months for Thyroids to react to medication. Unless a person has been through this I think they might think 'surely you must feel better by now' I know my DH did and it was quite frustrating of him at times.
Take care and thank you so much for you lovely comments on my blog, I really appreciate your kind words xx
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