Lots of things to catch up with you on that I have been doing. We came back from Cranberry Cottage on Friday as we had to pick up a few things for our kitchen remodel to be started hopefully this week and Jos had to sign some paperwork for the sale of his car. Boy, we don't even want to think about that any longer as he really lost money on it. I hope his new job is so great that it compensates for that. Anyway, Jos sanded our nightstands all Saturday and then I repainted them which was the easy bit. I wanted that finished before Sunday as I went to visit Annemarie for a Sip 'N Stitch day at her house. I really enjoyed meeting her face to face for the first time along with Margaret, Barbara and Harmien. And look who else I ran into there! Some of the white rabbit's friends.

It was Annemarie's birthday on Sunday too so I made her this project basket (which is already coming in handy I see) and gave her some Carrie's Threads. I love giving gifts to people and took a little blue tractor with a trailer for her son Pelle. At one point, I suggested to Pelle that he could put his peppernoten (tiny Dutch ginger spice cookies) in the trailer. Mommy helped him out with loading his trailer. Well, what do you do when the cookies are gone? You go take some from the plate Mommy put out to load the trailer again. We laughed as he walked between us with the cookies which Mommy had put out for us to have with coffee and tea. *grins* Hope he is not stealing cookies still Annemarie? Thank you for an enjoyable day!
I still need to update you on my projects progress while I was away. I started out the week by stitching two more motifs on my Beatrix Potter Quaker sampler. That was my first goal before moving on to other things. My previous photo can be seen here.
Oh my! Why does this still look so unfinished? I counted the motifs left and was so happy that I am moving along but now seeing this photo makes me feel there is so much left to do.
I did not spend much time stitching my Ohio sampler but did get more letters and a motif finished. The last progress photo is here.
Edit - January 8, 2009 - I have deleted all entries pertaining to the MB circe 1810 sampler I was working on after receiving an email from the designer, who I do not know, sharing her opinion about my changing a color in the design. This was done not to offend but because the color was not visible on the linen. I am sorry that I am no longer able to share this with my readers.
I kind of broke my stash diet. I had not included books in my diet but this is a patchwork book so should be included. I just could not resist when I saw Marianne's blog entry about her patchwork balls. I decided I had to get this book so I can use the Dutch sitsen (chintz) fabrics for a set of these.
The majority of my time at Cranberry Cottage was spent working on this new quilted tabletopper. Here is a little peek... It is a new version of my Christmas Spice tabletopper. I need a quilted sampler to use to demonstrate creating the 3D stars tomorrow evening. Let's have some fun with this...can you guess what I am naming this quilt? Hint ~ Valentine's Day and chocolate. The first person to guess the actual title will win a little stash gift. Good luck!
I'm feeling very hurried myself lately.
Such lovely pictures!!!
I'm thinking the quilt is name Chocolate Hearts? Sweets for my Sweet?
Ok, I am going to guess You Melt my Heart. Actually, I have no idea what you will name it, but it sounds good to me. Hahaha
Have fun tomorrow night with the quilt ladies, and say hi for me
Love you, Mom
Hm. Blogger just ate my previous comment. :(
I wanted to say how wonderful it was to finally meet you on Sunday. That was SO fun! :D
Sounds as if you had a lovely time sipping and stitching :>) I love the covered basket. i have a thing for pink baskets, i just love them. That and pink shoes :>)
Your BP is coming on beautifully. I can imagine how frustrated you feel though when you think there should be more of it. :>) I am making mine my project for 2009 and will make a start on january 1st. BP is very much in my mind at the mo as I am thoroughly enjoying reading Tales of Hill Top Farm. It's such a pleasure eavesdropping in on the animal's conversations :>)
I just love the fabrics on the quilt you are doing!
Warm hugs, Angela
Ooops forgot to leave my guess.
I've studied it closely and the little phrase Melting Moments seems to pop into my mind. I must say i can't think of a nicer combination than Valentine and chocolate...haha
"sweet remembrance"
Your Ohio Sampler looks fantastic. I love the colors, they are very pretty.
Hi Heidi.Wat ben jij bezig geweest zeg,het lijkt wel een wedstrijd.Het ziet er allemaal geweldig uit. Zijn jullie een beetje uitgerust,of kan ik jullie morgen opvegen???volgens mij is het Sweetheart!!!!!
Tot morgen knuffel Joke.
OK, MY FIRST THOUGHT WAS Chocolate Heart of my Heart. can't wait to see it finished.
This is a tough one Heidi...
What I can see from the little glimpse you've given of the quilt is that it's very pretty in those gorgeous pinks and browns.
Since I have absolutely no clue whatever I'll ake a wild guess at Cupid's Delight :)
Sorry, I was so busy naming the quilt I completely forgot to say you've made great progress on your Beatrix Potter and the other sampler too. Both are such lovely projects.
Glad you made progress on your projects while you were at CC, I love the colours of your new quilt and my guess is "Cupid Roses". Warm hugs, Hazel
so beautifull quilt and super for your progress on BP
Hi Heidi! I feel exactly the same. It's a hell of a week here. I love your progress, I'm glad you took some time to make some stitches :) I finished my doll quilt but didn't even have the time to take a picture of it, bad! Maybe tomorrow ... I'm off now and take care & o yes, please give Jos my best wishes on his new job!!!
Hugs, Carolien
Hmmm I really have to get my hands on that BP pattern somehow, I totally love it.
Hmm as for a name... how about Chocolate Roses?
I have no idea what to guess, but I'll take a stab anyway: Stars of Anise.
Your samplers look great, and it sounds like you had a good time at Annemarie's. :)
Oh - I *always* feel like the white rabbit!
Hello Heidi
I think Chocolate Valentins Rose is
the name from this quilt.
Wonderful gift for your friend,it's
really nice.And your sampler is so
I wish your husband all the best for the new job.
I wish you a wonderful evening!!!!
A lot of hugs,
I love your Beatrix Potter sampler & thanks for the tutorial for your Christmas Spice!!! Marie x
'Sweet heart' quilt.
It will be lovely whatever you call it!
The BP is coming along and the Ohio Sampler is just soooo pretty! My guess for your quilt topper.... Two of my Favorite Things.... LOL It might not be right but it sure describes you!!
"Candy Wrapper"
"Candy Wpapper" or "Whitman Sampler".
My goodness Heidi! You have been a busy rabbit! All of your projects look wonderful and I can't wait to see them completed. Looks like I"ll have to get going again on my stitching - life has been hectic and the needles have been lying still.
Hope to talk to you soon, hugs,
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