I made her 'plumpkins' which are little fabric pumpkins. Along with that, I sent a vine, toadstools, a little mouse and autumn napkins.

Here they are set up together on her table. She says it is her own private pumpkin patch. I am so glad you liked them Christine as I had alot of fun making them for you!
I made them for her as these remain some of my own favorite autumn decorations. I used this as a project for my quilt group many years ago. They are very quick and easy to make and the perfect weekend project. I made two sets, one for home and one for Cranberry Cottage, since they are so adorable. I thought it would be fun on this autumn Friday to share the link to this project which is still available so you can maybe make some this weekend. It is a Debbie Mumm free project and you can find the link here.
Have a color~filled autumn weekend all!
What fun Heidi, I love those pumpkins! You have such interesting ideas.
This is such a beautiful Autumn display and perfect for Christine who loves to decorate for Halloween.
These are so cute! I bet they store wonderfully too.
Christine is one lucky gal!!
Heidi, I love your blog entries, and I love the plumpkins. I would really like to make some. Thanks for your inspiring blog.
Linda (SC)
I have seen your cute little "plumpkins". I'm glad Christine liked hers. Anything made by you is great.
Love you, Mom
What an original idea and present! Very cute indeed. Have a nice plumpkin weekend at CC!
Hugs, Carolien
Heidi....these are darling. I've got to check, I'm not sure if I have fabric that will work. Going to DM's site for directions....and to the the store for some fabric if necessary... Thanks for passing this cute idea along...hugs, Linda
Me again...I'll be going to the store:). I liked the yo-yo garland too...Linda
Those are too cute! I'll have a look at the link and if it's not too hard, perhaps I can make a set for my dear DIL
Like the pumpkins Heidi,they look great on the table with the vine and toadstools.
Oh how adorable...those pumpkins are perfect!
I am so lucky to be the proud new owner of these awesome "plumpkins"...love it!!
Thank you so much Heidi for these unique little treasures.
I hope to find some little things to add to my plumpkin patch, maybe some acorns or a few little sunflowers. Next year I think I will make it into a long display on the mantel or the kitchen island or the coffee table :-O
Thanks for stopping by my blog. We have electricity again, but I have been really "anti-computer" lately. Trying to be outside as much as possible or read or stitch instead. Being without electric made me appreciate the non-electronic aspects of my life a bit more. I do miss the blogs and on-line friends though. We do have a lot in common and I hope to visit here often.
Oh my gosh, those are adorable! And so clever!
Those plumkins are too cute. I love the bright fall colors you used to make them.
Hello Heidi
Wonderful pumpkins.It's a great idea
I love those pumpkins!!!
Thank you for the link.
Have a wonderful week my friend!
Hugs Regina
Your plumpkins are so nice!
I think yours look even better than Debbie Mumms. (but wasn't she nice to put the free pattern on her site?)
Heidi, You have quite an eye for putting things together that are so pleasing to look at.
Hi Heidi, these pumpkins are beautiful!! congratulations!
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