Here is my Friday update of my summer challange. I know I will be able to finish this before the official start of autumn. I may finish it before the end of August and can then pick up another project to focus on finishing. I am anxious to finish Silent Sampler for yet another reason...I will then start a new project. I am going to start a series of Ohio samplers. For my previous udate, click here.
Click on the photo to enlarge. This is a really pretty and unique sampler.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of creative energy!
Sewing mends the soul. ~ Author Unknown ~
Wow, that is just too pretty for words. Don't let the words on one person who is out to wound let it happen. Keep stitching and moving along. I know you are now getting ready to go to the cottage and in a thunderstorm. Your Dad is the thunder (your words) so he is with you. Have a great weekend even if it is raining.
I love you, Mom
PS: I am really missing your sister today since it is her Grandaughters birthday.
Hi Heidi. I hope everything is okay now. Sending you good thoughts.
That's some beautiful stitching you've done. It really is balm for the soul, isn't it?
Beautiful sampler, Heidi!
I do hope you are feeling like your self soon.
I love you quote about sewing healing the soul.
I'm sorry someone hurt you Heidi. I love you!
Your needle work is as lovely as ever. I envy you your talent...and your work ethic! How do you ever get it all completed?
I just want to say what Terri said, really.
Take care & hugs, Carolien
Your sampler is very pretty. Sending you thoughts of sunshine. May your day be blessed with stitches!
The Silent Sampler is beautiful, and I love the colors! You've definitely piqued my interest about the Ohio samplers! Having grown up in Ohio, I'm very interested in what you will be doing, and I look forward to seeing them!
It looks wonderful! I have that one in my stash - I must resist the urge to start it since I have too many other things going on!
Can't wait to see the finished piece!
Hello, Heidi! I am glad that you visited my blog. All the work that you saw in my blog embroidered.
My husband likes pickled cucumber.
I studied English at school and at university, but today I found a blog translator. Good luck! Victoria.
Sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time. Do keep stitching. It is the best help you can get, especially when you're as talented as you are. My goodness, such a lovely sampler, and so beautifully stitched! Hope things will go well for you soon!
That's beautiful, Heidi.
Silent Sampler is indeed beautiful and I am glad you are nearing a finish. I hope you bounce back from this travesty and see the support of your family and friends as encouragement to be your sweet and talented self. Hugs to my friend!
What a lovely sampler Heidi
Your Silent Sampler looks beautiful. I have to get mine out and get it finished!
I hope all is better in your world today.
Hello Heidi,
What a beautiful sampler!I don't know what happened to you,but just keep stitching and don't care what other people are you and you are worthwhile!
Heidi your sampler is turning out beautifully - your stitching is always so pretty. I'm sorry that someone hurt you - for that I can't understand because you have the sweetest soul and spirit. Keep that needle and thread in your hand and stitch away - because when I'm down it never fails to lighten my spirit.
Hugs - Karen
Heidi, I know you are finding stitching this sampler a bit of a pain BUT what a beauty it is. I love the antique look of it and think it is very beautiful.
I hope you reach your goal of finishing it soon so that you can then start something more enjoyable to stitch.
The sampler is a truly beautiful one! I'm sorry hear you're not feeling very well and hope it will pass. I can totally relate to needing to sew everyday and my husband encourages me too when he hasn't seen me work the needle. It's always a great source of calm for me. Speaking of which - it's time to pick up the needle - what better time to do it than during a rain storm?
Heidi, this sampler is just so dainty and I love the colors. Are you feeling connected again? I totally understand. I cannot seem to find time to fit everything in each day.
((hugs)) to you and give Dagi a little kiss from us,
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