Friday, August 01, 2008

Hand stitched with love...

With having to post the tutorial, I was unable to share my latest Centennial Sampler blocks this past Monday. I sewed two more blocks over the past weekend ~ left is Spider Web and right is Crossed Canoes. Enlarge the photos to see them better.

I also promised in my last sampler post to share a photo of all the blocks so far on my design wall in the quilt studio. I am very pleased with the way they are coming together so far. I will still be using some pink in upcoming blocks so yet one more color to add. So far, I think it is taking on a pretty and vintage look seeing them all together.

Another great thing is the a quilting friend Saskia is also doing these blocks along with me. Hopefully, she will share a photo of hers too.

I received a fun 'just because' package in the mail from a dear online friend from Canada. Thank you so much Christine! I already have two projects in the magazine that I would like to make. Oh my!

I also received a belated birthday gift from Francoise in France. She made me this dainty little needlebook. It is just so beautiful and I adore acorns! Along with it came a little pouch of sea salt with a wooden scoop. I love sea salt and will put this to good use.

I can't decide which I like better, the front or the back?

And when you open it, there is a little pocket and a felt page attached with a pearl button. Isn't the lining fabric just the perfect compliment to the design. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Francoise!

I hope your weekend inspires you to pick up a project whether it is stitching or quilting and find yourself lost in creative energy. It is a great way to spend a summer's afternoon.


Elizabethd said...

What a pretty little gift.
Did we miss your birthday??

Tanya Marie said...

Lovely! Wait till my Mom seeing your Crossed Canoes patch! As I said, she had named her needlework shop that. Yes, we got lots of calls thinking we were a sports store. LOL When customers who came in asked about the meaning of the name, they GOT IT when shown the patch.


Linda said...

Hi Heidi...I enjoyed seeing all the blocks on your studio wall...they are wonderful but for some reason I'm drawn to the Spider Web block...I think it might be my favorite.

Sweet gifts in the mail...the needlebook is precious and such lovely work. Enjoy the weekend...Linda

Saskia said...

Love the spider web.
All the blocks look pretty.
First I have to do the other blocks I draw over from your book.
My book is on his way over from the USA.
Gona make a picture off my blocks and put it on my blog tomorrow of maybe tonight.
I will bring them over wednesday.

Brigitte said...

Those blocks look so great together, Heidi. I wish I were so good with colours as you are.

Francoise's little gift is just adorable.

Nancy said...

First, I love your squares, and I did visit Saskia's blog and saw hers before I saw yours today. I think my favorite is the center block, but I so love red so, hard choice.
Your gifts are oh so pretty and I say again, you are one spoiled little girl. You always were, so why change now. LOL.
Love you, Mom

diane said...

Your quilt will be so pretty, I love to see all the fabrics involved close up!!
Francoise's gift is so perfectly for you and so lovely. I love that we are still celebrating your birthday! : )

Kim said...

Wow! So many wonderful things to see here today. You have been busy and the gifts are generous and thoughtful.

Joni said...

Blocks are looking waaayyyyy good! If they were mine I might be tempted to just leave them on the quilt board because they really good up there! But the Spider Web block is bugging me. My OCD symmetrical mind is going crazy over using 3 fabrics for a block based on 8. Know what I mean? Please tell me the method in your madness... LOL See you one morning this week on skype?

Joni said...

I forgot to say how great your presents are! (see how that spider web distracted me?!) Anyway, I love all that pinkness from Christine and Françoise's acorn needlebook is just too cute. You lucky girl!!

Anonymous said...

Hoi Heidi, gefeliciteerd, je hebt een AWARD gewonnen!! Kijk gauw op mijn blog
Groetjes, Letty

Anonymous said...

The new quilt blocks are just lovely! Happy belated birthday to you. You surely received some lovely goodies in the mail too.

Beatrice said...

That is a pretty quilt thanks for sharing it with us. I love the canoes.
You mentioned the doily in my picture,
That is one that my mom made a number of years ago. It is very lacy and yes it does look like a spider web .It is crocheted with very fine #10 pearl cotton. I have 3 of them on that table I love them!
Thank you for noticing.

Christine said...

Oh la la...more off Francoise's lovely stitching. That is so nice and beautifully finished. Perfect to do an acorn for our acorn lover :-)

Your welcome for the little goodies.