Here are a couple of the quilts we made:
In the end, my mother took many of the quilts back to the US with her to donate to a children's hospital there. We did receive a wonderful email from one mother who thanked us for her son's quilt. He had come all the way from Nepal for treatment in the US. This was the whole reason we wanted to do this shed some sunshine on families needing it. We never heard anything further after that.
There are a couple of quilts that were left. I am still giving these out to children whenever I hear of a someone who is ill. One was given to my neighbor's grandson who has a very serious liver disease from birth. Another was taken home again last month to give to my cousin Gary's little grandson who was born prematurely.

Meet Charlie! This little boy is a real fighter. He was born so tiny and fought with all his soul to turn into this beautiful little man you see before you. Isn't he just adorable? Charlie's little smile as he sat on one of my quilt group's creations really makes my day! Thanks for sharing the photos with us Amy (Charlie's mommy). It is moments like this that make having done all these quilts worth while.

Heidi, there are a couple pf places that welcome quilts. One is 'Projectlinus' based in UK, and one is Quilts4leukaemia, based in France. Let me know if you want to know more. We made blocks for Q4L.
I fall in love! What a cute little man is Charlie. He looks so happy on his quilt and he is such a fighter! He sure will be grow up as a strong man! Lot of success to his parents.
Groetjes, Elly
Charlie is a living doll. I saw him on Sunday. He is a happy healthy boy now. He was born two months early and weighed only 3 pounds, then lost some of that. I know Amy really loves the quilt and will treasure it. When all the family donated the fabrics, we never thought one of our own would receive a quilt. Happily this one is going to be fine.
The Shriners Childrens Hospital was were the first group went. I know that last one you showed went to a little boy under two. I did see him and one girl who got one.
The group did a wonderful job on all of them.
Love you, Mom
The quilts are beautiful Heidi as well as the thought behind them. I can't imagine why this wouldn't be welcomed.
Charlie is precious!
The quilts are so beautiful and I can easily imagine how much they will be treasured by the children and their families.
Charlie is quite simply a cutie, I'd love to cuddle him.
Hello Heidi,
There is a club of 'troostquilts' I know of. How strange your idea was frowned upon!!! Never heard that before.
These quilts are gorgeous, by the way ... And Charlie looks soo cute, I'm happy he was a fighter and is lokking so healthy now!
Thanks for sharing all this & hugs, Carolien
"Hi, My name is Charlie and I'm happy to be here!"
Charlie, ou are just ADORABLE!!!!!!!!
Isn't it strange how an idea, so valed in one place is totally unworkable somewhere else!!
But, what a wonderful way to use these quilts that were made so lovingly by your wonderful, lively and enthusiastic group. Charlie looks so comfortable on his little quilt :>)
Warm hugs, Angela
Ooops! Valed should be valued, of course...silly me :>)
You have made me smile today too, Charlie is just beautiful! Your thoughts and heart were and are certainly in the right place and those quilts will definitely find a loving home.
What a smile on that kid! Such a beautiful boy!
The quilt is absolutely beautiful! I jsut love it! Just think you had no idea one of them would be for our cousin! :) He is so cute!
I"m glad you found a place for your quilts and that they touched the hearts of people - what a kind thing to do! ..and Charlie - oh, what a beautiful child and how wonderful to see him with his quilt.
It's a wonderful thing you and your friends have done.
Thank you all for your comments on Charlie. I think he's a cutie too, but of course I'm his Mama. We haven't gotten great pleasure out of using the quilt and appreciate it so much. Thank you to the quilting group and to cousin Heidi for thinking of us all the way in the USA!
what a cutie on your quilt!
Charlie's smile says it all!
How sad that the sick children in Holland missed out on these gorgeous quilts.
It's a wonderful thing that you and the quilt group ladies are doing and I'm glad that those quilts are bringing smiles to sick children around the world.
Charlie is a real cutie.
There is nothing better than to see such a sweet smile on a child's face. What an incredible story and such a beautiful little boy. You go, Charlie!
Heidi, there are several projects here in California where women make quilts with fabrics donated. I have a friend who sews for such a group and they also make quilts for military families as well. The recipients are always grateful. Jean, at In The Garden With Miss Jean, is part of such a group and also get quilts donated by quilt shops to give away. You may want to check her blog and talk to her about this.
All of the quilts here are fabulous. My heart went pitter patter when seeing the boats and the red and white one. Skip, leap, jump! Checking pulse....ok now.
love ya,
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