Friday, February 29, 2008

Just call me Hunca Munca

The best laid plans.....once again I did not achieve my goals this week. We are too busy each evening working on the house and my stitching and quilting has suffered. I had promised a few friends to share a photo of my progress (well lack of it at the moment) on my Beatrix Potter sampler. I had set a goal to have two more motifs sewn but it has remained at the start of one as I have set this aside just for a while. We feel like the two bad mice ~ Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca ~ as we seem to be making more of a mess than anything. Why is it that things get worse before they get better when you are decorating???

My quilt group is coming again this coming Wednesday and I waited until late to work on the next border. I just did not have enough inspiration. Here is a sneak peek at the border. I am still busy sewing the blocks now that I know what I want to do. I will show you the results and the story behind this border next week.

This is the reason that I put my sampler aside. I am hand quilting this quilt. I really like the old~fashioned look to this one. It has a number of Civil War reproduction fabrics in it. I am packing it up to take to Cranberry Cottage this weekend. I hope to get a good deal of it done.

Have a wonderful and creative weekend!

Elly ~ Sorry I never got around to calling you yet. We are so busy that this week has flown by. Can you bring your agenda to the quilt evening?


Nancy said...

Very pretty projects! I hope you have a nice and creative weekend too!

Nancy said...

Ok, first, I had to have you tell me what this sampler had to do with Beatrix Potter. I didn't get it. Second, Jos is not and will never be TOM THUMB. He is a giant.
Third, I see the little kitty tin I bought you years ago, and Fourth, I love your quilting again.
Beautiful work Miss Heidi.
Love you, Mom

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

This sampler is beatiful and those mice are keeping you busy!

Have a lovely weekend. Hey, I tagged you, so play if you have the chance. I hear ya about being busy. I have made two tote bags, but they take FOREVER to get done..about five hours each.

Love ya,

Have a great weekend, now get busy!

Carolien said...

I recognize the feeling of BUSY, BUSY etc. I just asked you about your UFO and now I see it already! Thanks! I hope you will have a nice evening with the other quilters on Wednesday. The borders look good!

Hugs, Carolien

Rhonda said...

beautiful projects, Heidi!
The cross stitch is so pretty, I love the simple colors
and the Civil war fabrics are so pleasing to the eye.

Enjoy your weekend and hope you get lots of stitching done.

Roberta said...

Hi Heidi, I just love the bobbin lace, this is something that I would love to learn one of these days.

Your Beatrix Potter is looking great, you will get done someday - not to worry.

The quilt with the Civil War repro fabrics is very good looking.

I do love to visit your blog.

You are an amazing gal!!


Carol R said...

Your Beatrix Potter is beautiful. Like you choice of colours for your quilt.

Kristen said...

Wow the projects are all beautiful! I think I may be tackling a quilting project towards the end of the summer! :)

Tanya Marie said...

All I can say is WOW, Heidi - your work is such a joy to look at on the computer - I can just imagine what it like 'in person'! Hope your week is a good one.


Anonymous said...

Hello Heidi

It doesn't matter because I was very busy too. I take my agenda with me. I like your pattern for the next border and wonder how it looks when it is finished.
Bye, see you on wednesday

Karen said...

Wonderful projects that you are working on. Sounds like me, having time sneak up and realizing that your behind. Take care of yourself now :)

Hugs - Karen

Lucy said...

Love your little quilt It's so pretty!

Lucy said...

Love your little quilt It's so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, I have been reading your blog for about a month and really enjoy. I actually loved the lace pinkeep so much that i tracked down the Dentelles et Rubans book and purchased to try my hand.
thanks for adding beauty to the web.