Friday, June 05, 2009

Getting into trouble once again...

What's a girl gonna do? I came back from my check up at the hospital tired and weary of some news. I have to have another biopsy for sure this summer and my thyroid is hardening from the treatment so it is 'perhaps', as the doctor put it, going to be more uncomfortable this time around. Humm...her way of saying it is going to hurt? I am hoping it will be okay and she gave me some medicine to take starting the day before I go in. Okay, enough of is now out of my mind.

So I came home minding my own business and that business this week is stitching on my French Abecedaire SAL which is very sadly behind.....

When the latest issue of Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly dropped on my front door mat. I opened it to have a little peek. I was really only just going to peek and then get back to my stitching. First, I started reading a wonderful article about a simple little sampler which had me salivating (I think I want to reproduce it and add a copy of the letter dating the sampler to the back of the framed piece) and then...

I browse through the rest and see this! Why did I look??? Now I have to start stitching this wonderful sampler! I remember this little verse from my childhood. The colors are wonderful on it and best of all...look at all those cats! Why did I look???

On top of that, I had planned to get a start on my new project this weekend. I have become one of Annemarie's Lovelorn Sisters and was the first on the Traveling Pattern list. There are 19 of us in the Lovelorn Sisterhood if I remember correctly. I have my marking copy run off so I can start stitching. I also have a fun idea for the finishing which I hope I can make work when it is done.

I pulled the colors today. This however is not going to be the fabric. I have decided on Wilchelt-Permin 32 count Star Sapphire. I hope to have enough of a start to share it with you this coming week.

So as I said, why did I look??? I want to start my next red and white sampler soon too. I really do have more than enough projects in my basket. And we won't even discuss how many other are hidden around my house. And with all this...I really do have to start on a few quilt UFOs as soon as I feel up to it. So here is me getting into trouble once again.


  1. Oh rats, Heidi, I had hoped for some seriously positive news from the hospital!

    Gasp! But I DO love that SANQ sampler. Yowzer! Of course you have to start that one immediately! Oh, and why not? As long as it doesn't interfere with work, start as many projects as you like. As for the ABC sampler: I still love it. But I keep fantasizing about the about the French letter piece :o)
    Promised e-mail is on its way....... NOW!

  2. I love the trouble you're getting into. I do it all the time, so I don't feel alone. I do like all the ones you want to work on.

  3. You have lots of good company for your naughtiness, Heidi! I also started something new today even though I have stuff screaming to be finished. LOL.

    Very sorry to hear the disappointing news from the hospital. Must be the day for disappointing news - we didn't get much hope from the bank today either, regarding the auction property I'd mentioned. Sigh.

    At least it's weekend! :D

  4. So sorry about the disappointing news from your doctor, sweetie! Want me to come and beat them up?

    Your French ABC sampler is so pretty. I love those colors. And the cat sampler? Oh, it's just too cute! Heck, start everything but please don't eat any worms!

  5. I'm so sorry that the news from the doctor wasn't what you'd hoped for.
    I'm going to have to look for that
    S&ANQ. Does it have charts to go with the photos or must you order the charts/

  6. So many starts, so little time! They all look like fun projects. Your ABC is so pretty. I love the colors. Sorry about your repeat procedure. We won't use the b word. Have a great weekend.

  7. Oh dear Heidi, I did hope that the treatment you are having would sort out your problem. I'm sorry to hear you might have to have another biopsy.
    I loved reading your post especially about the latest edition of SANQ. I can't believe, now I've seen your latest edition that this was the month i decided to let my subscription lapse...aargh!!! I love that cat nursery rhyme! I will now have to see if I'm in time to renew.
    You've got all my favourites featured in this post as I just love that Moira Blackburn sampler too.
    ABC's looking good too :>)
    Happy stitching i can see you will be very busy :>)

  8. Sorry to hear the lastest medical news.
    Your ABC Sampler looks fantastic!
    The motif that is holding your needle, nearly drove me insane! I just felt like it would never end!! It is truly a lovely sampler design though and I love your other stitching choices stitch at a time it will all get done....just think you'll never be bored! ;-)

  9. Wat een vervelend nieuws uit het ziekenhuis, ik wens je weer veel sterkte. Gelukkig heb je als afleiding heel veel zorgen aan je hoofd over welke samplers je allemaal wilt maken! Ik kan het me helemaal voorstellen dat je verliefd werd op de poezensampler. Hetzelfde had ik toen ik Red Delicious tegenkwam op het net. Gelukkig zijn er lieve dames in de quiltwereld die mij de patronen toegestuurd hebben. Maar eerst maak ik een quilt af. Goed he? Fijn weekend en overwerk je niet! :)

  10. Oh Heidi, sorry that you ahve to go back for more treatment, will continue to pray for you.
    I love the Pussycat sampler!

  11. He wat een naar nieuws !!

    Knap als je dat uit je hoofd kunt zetten.
    En dat je toch lekker kunt handwerken.
    Heel veel sterkte .

    Wat een leuke werkjes maak je/wil je maken.
    En ja wie heeft er niet handwerk verstopt liggen !!;-))
    EN een hele voorraad !!

    marian'ne m

  12. Oh Heidi - I hope your medical problems sort themselves out quickly and in your favor.
    I started the Sisterhood the other day and have the top triangles done. Love the colors.

  13. Well, I like the GOOD news better than the Doctor news. I want to be an ostrich and just stick my head in the sand and forget it. Will that work????
    Now, that sampler is JUST RIGHT for you. All the kitty cats, oh yes.
    I kind of think we have a bunch of nuts in our family, we cannot stop starting crafts. My warrior is very mad at me now, I have just put him aside to knit ponchos, I think I am on about number 14 now. I started one on the bus trip. You get it honest.
    Love you, Mom

  14. superbe!!!
    I think to you my friend
