Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Needlework friends...

I just love getting together with my needlework friends. I am so fortunate to have a number of ladies that I enjoy spending time with, often with our needles in hand while we chat. Today I got together with someone I met through my blog. She used to come visit me here and later started her own blog. Carolien lives in the same city as I do and I am sure that, without blogging, our paths would never have crossed. She is such a nice person and I enjoy spending time with her. I have had the good fortune to meet her husband and youngest daughter already but still had never met her twin daughters.

Today they came to my house for a girl's chocolate party! What is more fun that eating a brownie rock sundae in the morning? Well nothing! Yes, there is a brownie under that ice cream, hot fudge sauce and whipped cream. *smiles*

I even made them wait for the first bite while I snapped their photo. We then took a walk in the woods by my house to see a farm dating to the early middle ages to walk off the sundeas. We could not go up to the farm buildings as they keep it locked when not open but walked around them and in a butterfly garden. We also had fun talking to a goat that thought we tasted pretty good and licked each of our hands. We then returned back to my house for a wonderful lunch that Carolien had arranged for us.

Carolien brought me a French lavender soap from her summer holiday and I also received a beautiful bouquet of orange lilies. I was given a pretty handmade necklace from the girls. Isn't it pretty? I took a photo of me wearing it. I had to use my mirror to judge I had the camera right. I really like it and will enjoy wearing it. Actually I am wearing it right now. I put it on right away after you had left.

Valérie en Sofia ~ Bedankt meiden! Ik heb hem meteen aan gedaan toen jullie weg ging en hij staat erg leuk. American hugs!


Nancy said...

First of all, the necklace is a very pretty and thoughtful gift. The girls are so beautiful. Too bad Fleur couldn't come too. That is one yummy desert. Ummmmmmmm. The goat encounter sounds like fun.
Love Mom

Linda said...

What a happy day. The girls are the cutest and I love the necklace they made for you.
Oh, your brownie sundae looks so yummy...I'd love one right this minute....hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Dat ziet er heerlijk uit Heidi!
En wat een lief kadootje,een zelfgemaakte ketting..
Een dag met een gouden randje...;-)))

Carolien said...

Dear Heidi,

Thank you so much for a wonderful morning and afternoon. The girls liked this chocolate party very much and so did I! Thank you so much for the recipe, I promised André to make it this Sunday. He was all ears when he heard of our delicious pré-lunch :)))) We will try the other ones as well ...
Sofia didn't like her face on the picture, but she will survive :)
I hope to see you soon, maybe we can make some stitches together then?

Take care & hugs, Carolien
P.S. Will you give our special thanks to Jos for repairing the oven so we could have those yummie brownies???!!!

Tanya Marie said...

Oh what fun! The girls must have had a blast. That chocolate concotion looks divine.


Annemarie said...

Now that I've wiped the drool off my keyboard (that brownie. YUM!) I can finally say your visit with Carolien and the girls sounds like such fun! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time with friends.

Barbara said...

Oh my Heidi, what a wonderful chocolate treat, looks so yummy even on a computer screen! Your gifts are lovely and the girls are really cute. What wonderful friends you have.

Mandie said...

That sundae looks yummy! What a pretty necklace from the girls and how nice of them to take the time to make you something special! :o) It's good to have such thoughtful people in your life! Love you!


PS. Zoe says "Hiiiiii Miss Heidi!!!!!" LOL

Elizabethd said...

What fun to met up with someone who shares your interests.
Oh, Heidi, did you have to photograph the chocolate????

mainely stitching said...

Oh, what great fun!! :D Those are some talented girls - what a beautiful necklace! And I am seriously drooling for that brownie sundae!

Clare said...

I am drooling here Heidi - the Brownies look so very delicious.

Your necklace looks so pretty too.

Brigitte said...

A chocolate party - just the sound of the word makes my mouth water. And then the picture ... I think I have to go and see if there is any chocolate left in some hidden place in the house, lol.

Glad you had such a nice day, Heidi!

Anonymous said...

even in het nederlands om ma te laten zien hoe ze op je blog kan reageren.
We moeten trouwens haar lapjes en patronen afpakken.
Ze heeft er al 12!!!!!!!!!!!
Vinden wij toch niet goed he??
groet Saskia

Anonymous said...

even in het nederlands om ma te laten zien hoe ze op je blog kan reageren.
We moeten trouwens haar lapjes en patronen afpakken.
Ze heeft er al 12!!!!!!!!!!!
Vinden wij toch niet goed he??
groet Saskia

Solstitches said...

What a lovely day you all had.
Those brownies look divine!
What pretty girls Carolien has and how sweet of them to make the necklace for you.

Heidi said...

Hi Heidi! What a lovely day you had and how much fun it is to meet a fellow stitcher who lives in the same town! The gift is beautiful and a very thoughtful one. You are very fortunate! Perhaps we can met each other one day....

Suzann said...

The food looks delicious and the necklace looks lovely on you. What a wonderful gift! I can only imagine how yummy that soap smells.

Sounds like a wonderful day for sure!

Linda said...

Hi Heidi, I was determined to find The Chocolate Shoppe pin keep(1-30-08) and I did, it is precious. In the process I read and enjoyed so many of you earlier post, plus I got to see all your wonderful pieces.

I have a small scissor collection and a glass frog, I loved your idea....I hope you don't mind a copy cat, plus I'm making fobs too:).

Hope you are having a nice weekend...hugs, Linda

Sweetie said...

I just want you to know that I really enjoy your many talents - it must run in the family. Also, I think that it's wonderful that you live in Holland. What a wonderful culture to experience. It has been a blessing to meet your mother.