Thursday, November 29, 2007

A big embarassment

Now I have heard of rushing the season, but this is ridiculous! Can you see my big mistake on this quilt label???

I am online talking to my mother on Skype and she just nonchalantly informs me that I put 2008 on the label. She asked me if I knew I did it. NO! OOPS! I guess this quilt is my first 2008 finish. :)

Tomorrow I will be posting the photo tutorial for making a hussif or huswif. I hope you will come and join me...


Mandie said...

you are silly! I've heardof people putting the previous year, but not the following year! How funny are you! But I still love you! :o)


Nancy said...

Oh my, you are a silly girl. I did try to tell you right after you posted it, but I guess you didn't hear me then.
Love you, Mom

Kristen said...

Hahahaha! I didn't even notice it! Oh well, you were working ahead a bit. :) TEE HEE!

Nancy said...

I noticed this the other day Heidi, but I thought you did it on purpose! I thought maybe there was a little more you had to do on the quilt and would finish it in 2008!

Carolien said...

You're just far ahead of your time, Heidi. This is the proof of it! :)
And these lovely hearts will shine for the first time on Valentine's Day 2008, isn't it? So what ..?

Bye, Carolien

Anonymous said...

2008! Time flies already Heidi. I thought you read the comment of your mom so I did not talk about it yesterday! It doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

How pretty! The date is actually good-we are almost into 2008 anyway. Your quilt is pretty, too. Did you ever make a logcabin quilt? My girlfriend from Germany told me the American women make that one. Blessings, Rose

Angela said...

I did notice but thought you still had a bit to do. Mind you, you are always ahead of yourself. I can't wait for your huswife tutorial, I just wish it had been last week...haha!
Hugs, Angela

patchwitch said...

Oh, Heidi, it is not embarrassing but funny I think.
Once I did the same with a form that I filled.....
Nice job by the way! :D

Anonymous said...

Love your Quilters Group and your blog!! Glad I stumbled upon it!!
