Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Teatime Tuesdays

I have had so many requests for my recipes I used for the High Tea that I thought it would be fun to have 'Teatime Tuesdays' for the coming months and give you a recipe from my teatable. These are fool proof recipes (definition of fool proof ~ if I can make them, you can make them!) and I hope you will give it a try.

I will start this new item today with Zucchini Soup which I renamed Green Goo Soup for Barbara to make for her kids...lol. For the High Tea, I serve it in a little liqueur glass which makes it that little bit special.

Zucchini Soup

2 zucchini, cut in slices and then quartered
1 onion, diced
1 liter (4 cups) vegetable bouillon (you could also use chicken bouillon and I use cubes)
olive oil
salt and pepper
pesto (I used the dried pesto mix as one of the ladies has a nut allergy. It gives you the great taste but there are no pine nuts in this dried mix.)

Saute your onion and zucchini in the olive oil in a soup pan. Place on a low heat with the lid on the pan and allow the onion and zucchini to become soft about 5 to 10 minutes. Make vegetable bouillon and add to the vegetables. Let simmer for a further 15 to 20 minutes. Puree the soup. I find a hand held staffmixer works very well for this but you can use a blender or food processor if you prefer. Season with salt and pepper and a tablespoon of pesto. This soup can be served hot or cold. It also tastes great reheated.

I had to run over to the hospital unexpectedly this morning to have new blood work done up. I am having side effects from the therapy I had done in March and not feeling well which took a turn for the worse since Thursday. The doctor had me come in and will call me tomorrow as she is having the blood work rushed. As I sat in the waiting room with a turtleneck and fleece on while everyone is dressed for spring, I felt like a blizzard was on its way. I simply cannot get warm so it is a warm fire in the woodstove kind of day. I am going to sit with a pot of hot tea by the fire to warm me inside and stitch.

My mind went to winter as it does at moments like these and I pulled out a very old UFO to complete that winter feeling. Why not? I might as well go with the flow right? So I am going to pretend I am not feeling cold because I am unwell but because it is winter and I am out 'Gathering Holly' as the pattern is called. *grins* I love this sweet little pattern and don't understand why it even became a UFO.


  1. I hope you warm up today, Heidi. In any case, stay by the fire with lots of hot tea and that charming pattern, because you sound very cosy!

  2. I'm thinking of you and sending healthy thoughts, Heidi!!!


  3. Is that you all bundled up in the winter clothes. You can sit under the wisteria as the petals fall, and think winter. LOL.
    I thought you told me nooooooooo one likes to stitch people except me. Ahem, that is a person.
    You just BETTER get some medicine and start feeling better. I do not like this at all.
    Love you, Mom

  4. Thanks for the great recipe! It sounds heavenly. And I hope that you're feeling better soon!

  5. I hope they can find and fix the problem with your side effects. I love the little stitchery and since we love zucchini too I'm going to print off this recipe. It won't be that long and we will have an abundant supply of it! Take care and I hope you stay warm. Cindy

  6. That *is* a very sweet pattern and what a great choice to while away the cold hours. By the way, I don't think it's you, Heidi. I've been dressed in fleece and woolly socks and I haven't even been outside this Bevrijdingsdag!
    I will keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow. Please keep me posted!

  7. Oh, I hope you feel better soon. Keep close to your cozy fire, I hope it is helping.
    This is such fun Heidi...I love your idea for Tea Time Tuesday and our first recipe sounds so delish...I like the way you served this soup too. I went back and enjoyed your Sunday tea...wonderful menu...everything looked so pretty and yummy. Take care....hugs, Linda

  8. Thank you so much for the recipe of this DELICIOUS soup! :D

    I am sorry to hear that you needed to get over for more bloodwork. My thoughts are with you, and I hope they pinpoint a cause (and a cure!) ASAP!

  9. I am so sorry that you are feeling bad. I am cold-natured myself, but not to the extent that you are feeling it. Thanks for the recipe. I'll look forward to the others in the coming weeks. Hope you feel better soon!

  10. I'm sorry to hear you are still not feeling well Heidi...thyroid problems are certainly no fun and I know what it is like to feel so cold...I'm sending you warming cyber hugs.
    Thank you for sharing the recipe and the stitchery is pretty!

  11. I can imagine that roaring fire now, having seen it in person, and I hope it warms you through and through... (I agree with Annemarie, it is COLD!!) Thank you for the recipe, I will definitely make it myself soon, it is delicious!! Fingers and toes crossed for lots of good health!!

  12. Pretty Pretty Pretty!
    I'm in love with your plates!! Are they cram or white?
    (yes, I'm obsessed with cream vs. white)

  13. I can see you sitting by your fire cup of tea in your hand and thinking about the stitching you are just about to do. Thinking of you and hope you are better soon. Love Hazel (UK)

  14. How nice of you to share your recipe, I think I'll try it out sometime :)

    Hope your results get things sorted out for you and that you can warm up a bit, I know that cold feeling when you don't feel very well. Enjoy the wintery stitching by the fire in the mean time !

    I too am feeling chilly, we have got quite high winds here and the sun has definitely got shy again :(

    Take care x

  15. Heerlijk zo'n courgettesoepje hé Heidi,simpel te maken maar een met een smaak,mmmmmmm!
    Ik hoop dat het gauw wat beter met je gaat,en dat je je coltrui snel in kan ruilen voor iets luchtigers...beterschap!

  16. Your 'tea party' looked absolutely lovely, do hope you are feeling better. Love the idea of 'teatime Tuesdays'

  17. Hi, Heidi! So sorry to hear you've taken a downturn a bit...Do hope and pray you will be feeling better very soon! :o) Your tea with friends is so lovely...and this zucchini soup sounds delicious. I like addition of pesto. Be taking good care, keep warm and stitch when you can. :o) ((HUGS))

  18. Sorry yoy havent felt well Heidi, look after yourself.
