Monday, July 21, 2008

Introducing the color purple...

In my previous patchwork blocks for the Centennial Sampler, I have used the colors blue, green and brown. Time to add another color to this sampler in the form of purple. I am continuing to try and give these blocks an unorganized and old look to them. I was unsure it was going to work but when I placed my blocks up on my design wall in the quilt studio, I found it works very well so far. I will share a photo of the design wall next week when I update you once again.

I picked two blocks and decided to trace the templates and cut them out before I left for Cranberry Cottage. This freed me up to do just the sewing while I was there as I find preparing the block at the cottage takes up much of my time. I was able to finish two blocks this weekend with this extra preparation finished.

First, I choose The Bars which is a simple block as it is all straight seams. I wanted something simple to work on after the block last week with its 32 triangles and my second choice for this weekend...

...which was the New England Star. This block contains 24 triangles which is much easier than the previous block Jack in the Box. Now I have to go through the book once again this week to pick two more blocks for the next weekend.

Finally, I was given the KreativBlogger award by Tanya over at At the Honeysuckle Tree.

I must pass it on with the following rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave messages to the nominees.

I am passing this award on to members of my stitching group who also blog. They are an amazingly talented group of ladies that are also wonderful friends. Our group is very small and we have become very good friends. Here are some of these members who also blog:
1. Barbara
2. Britt
3. Christine
4. Clare
5. Margaret
6. Nancy
7. Nancy
8. Roberta
I know I awarded this to more than 5 bloggers as in the rules but really wanted to share this with these very creative ladies! You and the entire group are just the greatest. I wish the entire list had blogs as I would have awarded it to each and every one of you. You all inspire and encourage each other every day. That is something very special and I am so grateful to lead this group!


  1. These are beautiful squares Heidi, and I think they are my favorite so far. I can't wait to see what you will pick for next week.

    Thanks so much for the award, and I agree, this is such a special group of creative friends.

  2. Love the blocks this week especially the bars one. The purple looks great. I think you should be doing three each weekend so it will get done quicker... yes?

  3. Love them.
    I made 4 so far.
    But i'am gona stalk you to get more paterns because i still don't have the book jet. I show mine if you show me more paterns..
    I was thinking, maybe I have to make another blog, a quilt blog and show my quilt work there.
    I'am in soest for 2 days and than back to 'zeeland'for a long weekend. hope to make more blocks there.. call you tomorrow

  4. Beautiful quilting, and congratulations on the award!

  5. Well done, congratulations on your award!

  6. Both of your new squares are just lovely.

  7. Congratulations on the award an I love the blocks you made!

  8. Seeing your lovely work makes me want to start quilting again. I've gotten sidetracked with needlepoint and knitting, but I do so love to quilt! Do you hand piece, or do so with machine?

  9. Oh Heidi - those blocks are so beautiful and just think what you can get done working on them at the cottage.

    hugs - Karen

  10. Hi Heidi, this is my first visit to your lovely blog...I visit with your sweet mom most days.

    I've gone back and enjoyed reading several of your previous post and all I can say you are so very talented. I love your yo-yo piece and the blocks you are working on now are so pretty (my daughters favorite color). I've done one small quilt and have two WIP, all I need to do is the binding. I've just picked up cross stitching again....I'm kinda of slow...but I'm enjoying my project. I have lots more to read so I'll be visiting again...and I'll see you on the 25th for sure. Hugs, Linda

  11. The purple blocks look really great - I love purple!

    Congratulations on the award - and thank you so much for forwarding it to me, too. It will show up on my blog today. Like you I appreciate our little group very much.
