Sunday, May 11, 2008

A few handmade gifts...

The get together with some of my online friends has come and gone. It seemed we were only just planning it thinking it was so far away and now before we know it, the time has passed quickly. Jos and I enjoyed showing them a little of Holland. There was some shopping and stash buying along with sightseeing. There was also much laughter. Now all that has turned to memories to be remembered by all of us...

I had a bag of gifts waiting to welcome them to Holland. A couple of things were items I had bought in the last few months. I also included three specially handmade things for them to remember this trip by.

The WIP (work~in~progress) roll above is made of fabrics from the local Dutch costumes worn by the people of the villages of Bunschoten/Spakenburg. I took them to the museum there on Wednesday last week so the fabrics became more poignant after viewing the museum exhibits. I hope these rolls will remind them of us stitching together here in Holland for many years to come as they use them for their projects.

This sweet little pattern is an online freebie which I stitched up with the help of my mother as a door hanger. Thanks for helping me stitch them mother! 'Welkom bij ons' translates literally to 'Welcome by us'.

Last but not least, I ordered some pretty scissors from France and made a blue beaded fob for each of them with a wooden shoes charm.

Note ~ This post was started back on May 11th but I had no time to post it. It is May 15th today and I completed the post so the date is not correct.


  1. What a lovely, lovely gifts you have made for your friends!!!
    Gorgeous, the roll, well everything!

    Groetjes van ons allemaal and hugs, Carolien

  2. The gifts are lovely Heidi.Sounds like a fun time with your friends. I must have a go at making a fob for my scissors.Take care.

  3. Beautiful gifts Heidi. I'm sure that Angela, Hazel and Joni were thrilled with all the lovely hand made goodies.
    Looking forward to seeing some pictures of the visit.

  4. What beautiful and thoughtful gifts, I know the recipients will treasure them ALWAYS!! I can't wait to hear more of the get-together, what memories you have all made. I love the little shoes on the fobs, too cute!

  5. Very pretty and thoughtful gifts Heidi! I know these are treasures to all that received them. Glad to hear everyone had such a wonderful time!

  6. Heidi how lovely to 'see' you again!
    And what pretty gifts you made, I love the colours of the squares, so attractive.

  7. Thank you so much for my beautiful WIP roll and the sissors and fobs you made me. The picture, and on and on. I loved all my time with you and had fun helping you stitch the gifts for the ladies. I still cannot believe I am stitching.
    Love you, Mom

  8. Hello again, Heidi! Yes, I did make some stitches on V's sampler, I hope to make an entry about it soon. I thought of a 'very busy stitching day' yesterday, but that wasn't meant to happen. Phone ringing all the time, guinea pig to the vet etc.

    About Valérie and her friends: they are both friends from church ánd school.

    The fabric with cows is from Mur (Langestraat).

    I hope you will both enjoy a VERY relaxing weekend!!!
    Hugs, Carolien

  9. Heidi, pretty fobs you made...what kind of "Gummi" do you use on the top???


  10. Oh you made me laugh about the date. I do that but change the date if I can't get it done.
    I'm so glad you had a good time on your trip.
    The gifts are lovely!
    I love the WIP roll that is a good idea. I have seen them and Might have to make myself one or 10.
    Have a great weekend.
