Friday, March 14, 2008

My six word memoir.....

I was tagged by Becky over at Sweet Cottage Dreams for this new MEME game ~ the six word memoir. It has taken some real thought to do this one. And I have been tagged for it on my other blog also. I am finally ready to reveal mine. I wanted this one to be about my life as a needlewoman...

With my needle ~ I see beauty!

While I was pondering on this tag, I realized I was making it more difficult than it needed to be. I feel that these six words say it all for me. I really am grateful that I have learned to use a needle throughout my life and for the places it has led me and the people I have met. It has been a gift to me through which I really do see the world.

My photo for this memoir is a glimpse again of my UFO quilt I am hand quilting at the moment. I hope to share this finished quilt with you next week.

Here were the rules for this tag:
1. Write your own six word memoir

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like

3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere

4. Tag five more blogs with links

5.Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

I tag the following creative ladies.....
Nancy at Fete et Fleur
Roberta at SimplyStitchingInTheGarden
Rhondi at RoseColoredGlasses
Susan at MyPeacefulValley
Jeanne at Spiral


  1. Very Nice! I simply smiled when I read that and yet it is so very you!

  2. Hello Heidi, I am so eager to see your UFO! Will you bring it with you coming Thursday please, ready or not? It looks so beautiful!
    DH and Sofia are still 'suffering', Valérie felt better. I drove her to school this morning (exception!) and will pick her up in an hour.
    Have a nice weekend at CC! Please greet Jos (he has a nice voice) and hugs, Carolien

  3. Those words fit you beautifully.
    Love the quilt you are working on too.
    Love you, Mom

  4. Oooh, this will be interesting -- thanks for the tag Heidi!

    Your phrase is just right for you. I'm going to put my thinking cap on and come up with mine :)


  5. Heidi: You are one busy lady! I don't know how you can do so many blogs at once. I'm impressed. Love your six word saying as I'm a quilter, too. Bravo.

  6. With your needle, you share beauty.


  7. With your needle I see beauty!Everything you stitch Heidi is beautiful. I wish I could have Heidi quilting lessons because you are the best quilter. I wish for those lessons to be at Cranberry Cottage too as that place is heaven on earth. If your going to dream, dream big! :-)

    Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Easter!

  8. Your six word memoir is beautiful! I have to think about this so give me a few days.

    Hugs! Nancy

  9. Heidi,
    With your needle, you create beauty. Your talent is a joy to others.

  10. I'll be late for work if I spend another minute reading back on your blogs! Your needlework is lovely. I am especially interested in the cross stitch Beatrice Potter pattern. Could you tell me who publishes the pattern? Thank you very much!!
