Friday, December 21, 2007

Quilted Christmas party

Each year, I hold our December evening for my quilt group close to Christmas. We have a fun evening of gifts, prizes, great food and lots of laughter. Click on the photos to enlarge them.

We move all our furniture back to give us extra space and the room is set for a fun evening...

Now all we need are the quilt ladies themselves...

Even Dagi, our cat, was waiting patiently for all his 'girlfriends' to arrive...

Christmas cards laid out on the table for everyone to stop by and pick up theirs before going home...

Each person exchanges a gift which this year had a theme of flowers. I got a mirrored picture frame with flower motif and silk rose petals...

It is a full house with our 12 members and myself. We have been together for a good number of years now and it is a very close knit group...

I gave them a glimpse of our 2008 theme in the newsletter. We are going to be making medallion quilts. They will become very personal as I will give them a goal starting with the center block and they must decide themselves on the exact patchwork blocks they wish to use as well as their colors and fabrics. Everyone says they are excited to start the new theme...

I was spoiled with lots of little gifts to thank me for doing the quilt group. Just knowing this wonderful group of ladies is thanks enough!


  1. It looks like a very nice evening Heidi. Your house looks so pretty and festive. How cute that even Dagi got involved!

  2. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! Your home looks so festive! :o)

    Love you!

  3. Oh, I wish I could have been there.
    I know all these ladies and I feel they are my friends too. All the gifts look so nice. They are all so thoughtful. You should have taken photos of all of them, I see Meip, Joke, Enny and Saskia and Meika. Now where are the others?
    It sure looked like a fun night.
    Love you, Mom

  4. What a pretty and nice, large room you have! I'm quite envious here in my tiny little apartment!!LOL!!

    I love needlcrafts too. Pop on over and see my blog sometime.=)

  5. This must have been a pleasant evening, Heidi. Your house looks so cosy, wonderful!

    Greetings, Carolien

  6. Hello Heidi,

    When you read this before you leave to your cottage: there is a little message for you on my blog.

    Bye! Carolien

  7. Heidi - Your rooms look so warm, wonderful, cozy, and inviting. I am most certain that your quilt group is quite thankful for you as I can only imagine how blessed their lives are because of you. Thank you for sharing these photos and this party with all of us.

  8. You couldn't get half that much furniture IN my living room, pushed back or not!!!!!!!!

    You take care and look forward to more later on.


  9. What a precious gift to have a wonderful group who share a passion that has grown thru the years! What a special evening, and I love Dagi waiting for his "girlfriends"!! : )
    I am excited to see what everyone creates this year, too

  10. I know you won't read this until your back from Cranberry Cottage, but I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

    Your home looks so pretty and full of holiday splendor and your evening with your quilting friends looked like fun.

    Hugs - karen

  11. It looks wonderful! You are so kind and you go to some much trouble for so many people! You are just so special and it looks as though you are surrounded by special people!

  12. I love how your house looks all cosy and inviting :-))

    Merry Christmas-time to you !

  13. Heidi ~ It was so much fun to visit with you and your quilt group through the pictures in your blog :) It looks like it was a perfect evening, and even Dagi seemed to enjoy himself!
    Hugs, Joanne

  14. How fun!!! I wish I had a group like that around here!
    Or maybe I could be part of your group????
    Happy New Year!
    God bless.
