Monday, July 30, 2007

The 'fruits' of my labor this past weekend... the next of the LHN thread packs 'Plums'. This was appropriate as we again went berry picking on Saturday and were given a small container of plums by the farmer. His plums are ripe three weeks earlier than normal and he has too many. He told me I could take them as a treat. Funny, I was already nearing the end of stitching this design too. I will once again be finishing this design as a pinkeep which I hope to share with you in the coming days.

The pretty scissors were a find while I was in the Alsace in France this last May on vacation. I really love this pair and was happy to add it to my collection.


  1. ooo so nice!!!!!

  2. Oh, I love the plum design, such PRETTY colors! I know you will finish it into another fantastic pinkeep! I am not a plum eater for some reason, maybe too many as a kid...our neighbors had a tree! I adore the cup and the scissors, too! I have never even seen scissors like this, I must shop in the wrong places!!!

  3. Your stitched Plums is beautiful! This is really a pretty design, and it is filled with beautiful colors. Is the fabric in the photo your backing fabric?

    I love your new scissors - very elegant and unique.

  4. Me three....I love Plums! Your stitching is so lovely and perfect. Also good to hear that your friend Sonja is doing well. The graphic brought a tear to my eye.

    Sue M from FTLOCS

  5. I LOVE this one! The mug is cute too! I have not yet gotten into getting cute scissors! :) I am lucky to make a cute project. Stitch on Aunt Heidi! Love you!

  6. heidi,
    how lovely! I cannot wait to see it made into a pinkeep.

