Monday, June 04, 2007

Vintage and new needlework collections

If you have not done so, go to my other blog ( to read about the B&B we stayed at in France. I wanted to show you the beautiful items of new and vintage needlework which Pierrette has collected and uses to add charm to her B&B. I felt NeedleNecessitites was the perfect place to do that. I know many of those who read this blog share my love of needlework of all kinds. Don't forget to click on the photos to be sure and see all the detail!

She has redwork hanging in the hallway...

Wonderful samplers...

More redwork in the kitchen...

A quilt made by a friend of hers to celebrate her collection of watering cans...

New garden themed cross stitching...

A wonderfully stitched letter holder...

Lace panels in the windows and adorable little christening dresses...

Teaching samplers like this one containing some darning stitches...

Even a quilt laid over her couch in the guests sitting area...
It was so fun to see all of these items. Pierrette even showed me her private pieces in her home. She has been so fortunate to have found so many wonderful and treasured items.


  1. Just beautiful! Heidi I don't think I would have been able to leave this magical place. I love everything but especially the letter holder. I hope Margaret sees the red work - she love that.

    Thanks for sharing your vacation,

  2. very nice!!!!!

  3. Oh my! I'm absolutely enchanted by the wonderful B&B you found to stay at while on vacation.
    As Nancy says, how could you bear to leave?
    I adore the Redwork curtains and the beautiful lampshade in the kitchen.
    The old sewing machine and the samplers......
    Heidi, thank you so much for sharing the pictures of these treasures on your blog.

  4. Oh, samplers and redwork ... two of my most favourite things! Lovely! ♥

  5. Wow Heidi,
    How fantastic to stay in a place surrounded by such beautiful things. My goodness, the letter holder. I have just dreamed of finding something like this. I'm just going to have to make my own :>) The redwork is so beautiful. It's a real favourite of mine and the samplers are just breathtaking. These beautiful collections must give Pierrette and her guests so much pleasure - I just love her name :>)
    Hugs, Angela

  6. Oh Wow! That is like a Needlework Museum. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow, Heidi, you certainly found the perfect place to stay! I adore the redwork over the light fixture!! AND, the letter holder...two of my favorites, but all of it combined makes for a very special atmosphere.

  8. Wow, the redwork is gorgeous. Thank you for photographing it to share with us. I love the quilt on the settee, too!

  9. Heidi, I left you a comment on your other blogsite. Love the redwork and vintage things...
    PS: Isn't Lizzie's photo great!!

  10. Thanks for sharing, it seems like a wonderful place to stay for a stitcher and a garden lover!
