Yesterday there were a number of questions about the picture with lace behind our bed. Here is a photo of the framed collage. Click the photo to see the details.
These are the lace practice pieces I did for my first year of bobbin lacemaking. I thought it was a shame to make these practice pieces and never see them as they are then placed in your workbook.
I had seen a photo of a pillow in Victoria magazine which was made from old pieces of tattered lace and vintage buttons. I adapted this idea to this framed piece. I used my practice pieces with a dried rose, a photo postcard of an old lady, pearl buttons, mini bobbins and I calligraphied the word lace in four languages. I attached all this to a fabric background and framed it. These are extremely simple pieces of lace to see on their own but having them grouped together makes them more special.
I hung this temporarily in the bedroom until I have a watercolor framed that a friend painted for me. With everyone remarking on it, my appreciation of this piece has been renewed. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to comment on my blogs. I really do love reading each and every one!
Heidi - I adore this! The fact that you made the lace is amazing to me. I hope that you always have this lovely, simple, timeless collage on display in your home. What a treasure!
Heidi this is wonderful and how sentimental too being your practice pieces. I would definitely hang this somewhere in your home if you don't leave it where it is now. Don't you love handmade items? They have so much charm and character!
ReplyDeleteI hope you will never take the lace down in favour of a watercolour painting.
For me, this lace is so much more special.
I say hang the painting elsewhere!
Your lace is beautiful and the way you have chosen to display it is quite unique.
What a wonderful idea and its so special - I really think I would like to do a montage of something like this its really lovely.
ReplyDeleteThe pieces of lace look so beautiful framed! I hope you'll find a special place for it if you move if from your bedroom. I love the quilt in your previous post ~ especially the colours! One of these days I really will finish off the "homespun horror" that I started for our bedroom. ♥hugs♥