This morning, my mother and step~father left for home again. They will actually arrive back in the States in the next hour. This day has flown by despite it being the first one I have had with some hours alone this month.
I am getting my next quilt UFO ready. I am pin-basting it so I can start the hand quilting. It is based on a pattern from Judy-Ann's Womenfolk site: . I am making a series of small doll sized quilts. They are great fun to make and wonderful decorating items.
This photo of our cat, Dagi, was taken yesterday. My husband put down his laptop for a minute and when he came back, the cat had curled up for a catnap on it. He is such a cutie!
I love the fabrics in your quilt ~ so pretty together. Dagi looks very content curled up there ... I hope Jos didn't need to disturb him. :)