Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Yesterday we had a discussion on our stitching list about nutcrackers since someone of the list is making all the Prairie Schooler Nutcrackers for ornaments for Christmas. Her first one is finished and adorable. I mentioned my nutcracker collection and this special present I received this year from a dear lady in my quilt group named Joke (pronounced Yoka in Dutch). She surprised me with it and I absolutely love it! I have never had anyone make me a quilt before since I myself am a quilter. It was made more special that she knows I love nutcrackers. Thank you so much Joke for a special gift that I will treasure forever!


  1. How fun! I bought a fat little nutcracker over Christmas because I had never seen a fat one. Ha! He's a cutie.

  2. Heidi the nutcracker quilt your friend made is wonderful! I know you will treasure this.


  3. That little quilt is so cute! You have a very nice friend in Joke.

    Joke? Is that a common name there?


  4. Heidi, I love the nutcracker. What a wonderful gift! :)

  5. Well,
    I love to see the nutcracker on you blogg!
    My mom did a good job!
    So 11 more to go.. right Heidi???

    ..And its no Joke,(haha) Terri, its a real name in the netherlands.
    But here birth name is Johanna.
    Saskia (the dauther of..)

  6. Heidi,
    What a lovely gift and what a thoughtful friend you have. Gifts like this always hold a special place in our hearts.
