Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A patchwork tree skirt

In these busy days, it is harder to put much on my blogs but I do try to keep up. I wanted to share a patchwork tree skirt I made two Christmasses ago. We had just bought our tiny cottage and I was creating a tree for there. I had a pencil pine tree and needed a tree skirt that was in proportion to that skinny tree. I sewed a single quilt block and cut into the center where I carefully cut out a circle to fit the tree. I cut the block into a hexagon shape. I was very pleased with how it turned out.

I have just about completed the hand quilting on my log cabin swap quilt. I will be preparing the bias binding tonight. I will share photos of it in the next few days.


  1. Heidi, that is a lovely tree skirt. Making squares is one thing but hexagons? Wow!!!

  2. Heidi,
    This is lovely. The colours are so Christmassy. I just love bringing out old favourite handmade pieces. They absorb thoughts and feelings from the time time they were created - if you know what I mean -so when they come out, out come tumbling a whole lot of memories too :>)
    Hugs, Angela

  3. Heidi this is just beautiful! I always love to look at your handmade items. I can't wait to see other photos of your Christmas decorating, and I will look forward to seeing your log cabin quilt!


  4. Brilliant! I love to see your quilting and I'm constantly amazed at what you can do with a needle, thread, bits of fabric, your two hands, and your imagination. You are a treasure, Heidi.

