Friday, October 13, 2006

3rd week of Autumn Leaves SAL

I am finally able to show you my 3rd week's assignment for the SAL. I am a few days behind at the moment. I did start the 4th assignment today. It is a very easy part as we simply complete the verse and borders. I hope it will be completed soon and I can start to think about how I want to do the finishing on this sampler.


  1. It's a beauty! I bought the fabric for mine....have not started yet....

  2. Hello Heidi,
    You are such a wonderful SAL leader! Your sampler is so, so pretty. I love the Autumn Leaves that you have laying underneath your sampler too. I'm finally catching up on mine - a joy to stitch.
    Thanks for doing this for all of us,

  3. Heidi,
    Your Autumn Leaves looks so lovely.
    As always it has been a pleasure visiting your blog today.

