I have started another quilt. It is one that I had planned on starting when I finished more UFOs but I decided it was time. I had the fabrics all picked out and set them aside so I grabbed them and to start cutting strips. This block is called "Merry Go Round". Sorry the photos may seem a bit dark. It is a grey and misty day here in Holland.
I have 8 blocks done. Each set of strips gives you two blocks when cut, a positive and negative version of the three fabrics you use. I have a good deal further to go but will share progress as I move along. I love the vintage feel of this block and am using creams, beiges, pinks, reds, greens and blues for it.
Now doing my patchwork set the tone for my quilting in 2009 but how about stitching. I am going to work on my Ohio sampler which is close to being finished. I have a number of stitching goals for the coming year. And I am helped along by my sweet little Zoe Pickle back home. She sent me this gift of DMC thread and all in my favorite yummy autumn shades. Very good for a 6 year old right?!
Wow, Zoe really did a good job on picking these colors. I bet she did it all by herself too. LOL.
I love the tag too.
Now, that quilt is going to be really really nice. Is this one going to be for Jos at the cottage? HaHa. I know he is trying to get you to make him one to leave there. I bet he wants flannel. Can't wait to see it finished, you are really going to town on it.
Love Mom
Lovely, lovely quilt. If what you say is true about New Year's Eve setting the tone for 2009, then it's good news, it means I will still have a job next year, despite the crisis looming large ! No stitching for me today nor tomorrow, still I hope there will be plenty (even a little will do) of it over the next 12 months ;=)
Enjoy the end of the year !
You're setting a marvellous tone with this quilt, Heidi! It looks lovely. I LOVE the strawberry fabric.
Zoe gave you a gorgeous present, that's for sure! Well done, Zoe!
I hope to see you soon. Must get better first (second antibiotics etc., not very amusing) but I count on it 2009 will help me with that!
Have a nice 'jaarwisseling'. Yesterday the girls bought Chocolat (DVD, the video was worn out so we couldn't resist). We love that movie too. Have fun tonight!
Hugs and greetings for you and Jos,
I love those DMC colours!
If what you say about setting the tone is true then I will make sure that I don't cook any huge meals for large crowds tomorrow! I'll sit with a new cross stitch, feet up and with a lovely cup of tea at hand, and trust that I have started off 09 in the best possible way!
I think Zoe is taking after her Aunt Heidi with talent in the stitching department!! I really like your new quilt!!
Your latest quilt is so pretty..I love the colors...especially the blocks with greens and rose tones.
Wonderful colors from Zoe, I say she has a good eye.
Heidi, tomorrow I was going to take our tree down...to me this is work:)(love putting it up)there is a change of plans, I'll either stitch or read...maybe both. I take superstitions seriously..and I like this one.
I'm still looking for a frame....nothing to fancy and I kind of want something that's green
Happy New Year and all the best in 2009...hugs, Linda
I think your timely reminder about this very important tradition is so welcome. I have been finishing today - something I need to improve on next year. I have several things that need finishing but tend to shy away from it so, that's that problem sorted. Now I need to start some stitching, read some poetry, do a bit of sketching and eat lots of chocolate. Once I've done all that lot, I'm afraid I'll have no time whatsoever for any cleaning and tidying either on New Year's Eve or New year's Day :>)
I just love your quilts and also look forward to seeing your Ohio sampler finished :>)
Warm hugs, Angela
Hi Heidi, Love the colours Zoe chose for you. Well no work for me tomorrow, I am going to make a serious start on Gardeners Journal quilt that I really want to do in 2009. Of course it is a DS so maybe AT will come to stay!!!!!!!!
Hugs and thanks,
Hazel (UK)
What a wonderful gift from the States! :D
I've begun my new year's stitching in fine style ... pics to follow. ;D
Well, Heidi, if what I do on New Year's Eve sets the tone for the new year, I'll be doing lots of stitching, knitting, designing, and baking... ummm, and eating chocolate cake! :) Happy New Year wishes to one of my favorite people (and thank you for the Christmas treat!!! very yummy!). I hope you have a happy, healthy and perfect year ahead.
Hugs, Joanne
Happy New Year! May 2009 be filled with good health, love and many stitches!
And I love your new quilt, it looks wonderful!
Your new quilt is lovely. The soft colors are beautiful. I spent most of New Year's Eve stitching so I hope that is a good start for 2009. Another nice omen is the name of the lady who commented just before me. My Mom is Letty also. She is the the only other one I have come across with the same spelling and everything! Happy New Year!
What a lovely quilt! Happy new yearto you and your family!
Happy New Year Heidi for you and Jos!
Your new quilt looks very good but .... another one on your list of UFO's ! Also this year you need 48 hours on a day. I am quilting for days now and hope to finish my Medaillonquilt within a few weeks.
Have a nice weekend, hugs
You're making good progress on your quilt. How many blocks do you have to make? The design reminds me of Grandma's Flower Garden without all the little pieces. Probably a lot easier, too!
Dat wordt weer een mooie quiltHeidi!En wat een prachtige DMC kleurtjes,ik ben ook zo gek op die warme kleurtjes..lief van Zoe..
Happy new year full of wonderful stitching !!! :)
Hi Heidi.
Een heel gezond 2009,en een creatief jaar maar zo te zien ben je daar al aan begonnen,geen nieuwe stofjes maar wel een nieuwe quilt,hij is erg mooi.
Er komt bij mij niets uit mijn handen dus dat word een ????????jaar,geef mij wat inspiratie please.
Hug Joke.
Hallo Heidi
Wat een mooie blog heb jij en wat ben jij creatief, de dingen die jij maakt zien er mooi uit. Het bijhouden van een blog vraagt veel tijd, op dit moment kom ik niet aan schilderen toe, heb weer nieuwe breiopdrachten en wil daarna een 2 persoons-sprei voor de jongens gaan haken.Liefs Irma
Loving those colors in the quilt, Heidi. It's a lovely pattern and I'm looking forward to watching your progress. You talented girl, you....
Happy new Year! To you and Jos.
May 2009 be very creative.
I'm preparing my quiltprojects,so I have always something to do...
See you next week.
Hi, Heidi! What a pretty quilt your new one is! I'm hoping my shoulder will heal quickly after the rotator cuff surgery so I can get back to some quilting which is stacked up in a corner in my kitchen!! Wasn't Zoe good to send you those yummy skeins of DMCs. Have a wonderful 2009 of stitching and quilting! Love and hugs, Deb
we have the same saying here about new year's day, so I did the same :D
Secret Santa also seems fun :D
And the DMCs are beautiful, very nice colours!
The blocks are gorgeous, Heidi...what a fantastic start to 2009! And Zoe's threads are such wonderful colors...love the pumpkin and very autumnal shades. Happy Stitching in the new year, my friend--can't wait to see all you make! :o) ((HUGS))
What a great way to spend your time.
Happy New Year.
The threads are perfect!
Happy New Year! :o) I just want to say we love you and miss you! I will see if Zoe can pick you out some more colors for the spring :o)
Love and Hugs!!!
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