I got home from the cottage and immediately that day started working on a quilt top. I knew I wanted to make a quilt that would be all warm and snuggley which I would use regularly. I decided on the Turning Twenty patchwork so it could really show off how pretty the fabrics are. Cutting these up in too small of pieces would have been a shame.
They are a combination of various florals in baby rib cord, silks, pleated silks and beaded rib cord.
I had left this quilt top sit for a couple of years and did not want another winter to come and go without being able to snuggle up under it. I planned on tieing the quilt but on Friday after doing my blog entry, I thought I wanted to try machine quilting this since it will be very used and it quite heavy due to the fabrics. It needs to be durable. A couple of hours later...a finished quilt! Why did I wait all that time to quilt it?
For the backing fabric, I wanted to stay with a warm and soft aspect and decided on a mustard color floral flannel by Moda.
The name "Snuggles" for this quilt seemed the only possibility. If you need me this winter, you will find me snuggled up under this quilt on my chair with a stitching or quilting project. *grins*
Hi Heidi, I love "Snuggles" such a cozy name and looking quilt. I think the rib fabric is so unusual, I am sure it will keep you nice and warm this winter.
Warm hugs,
Heidi, I absolutely LOVE your quilt, the colours are gorgeous :-)) Enjoy your winter stitching under this!!
Have a nice rest of the week.
How lovely! I can imagine snuggling up under this! Such soft and gentle colours too.
Hi Heidi,
What a lovely quilt with such beautiful fabrics and a perfect name.
I love this quilt. The colors you've chosen look so perfectly beautiful together that I imagine you will treasure it for forever. Congrats on yet another UFO finish!
wonderfull!!gorgeous work like always
Your quilt is divine! Those fabrics are so elegant and very special. I love the soft colours in it.
This quilt so deserved to be finished and out where everyone can admire it. Congratulations on staying with the plan to finish up some of your UFO's It must be a great feeling.
Heidi, wat goed dat er weer een UFO van je lijst kan worden verplaatst naar de lijst van 2008! Wat een lange lijst heb je nu dit jaar al gedaan! doeg, Son
I'm in love with this quilt, Heidi. The fabrics are soooooo gorgeous. The colours remind me of my Alter Echo sampler, Chocolate and Raspberry, and that's my favourite colour combination ever. Seeing it makes me want to rush to the quilt shop and start quilting right away!
Oh, of course I'd have to take lessons first :o)
Hello Heidi, what a pleasant surprise: another quilt finished! Congratulations! It's a joy to see these rich fabrics. I hope you will snuggle a lot ... the weather is asking for it, don't you think? It's definitely autumn now here in Holland.
Don't go too fast or your list will be vanished before we know it :) Take care & hugs & I hope to call you next week (having a bad cough now etc., not very practical) to see if we can make some stitches together, o.k.?
Stunning, Heidi! Have you ever been to the blog Fig Tree Quilts? Your choices remind me of Joanna's that she uses in her designs. Lots of browns and tea colors.
Heidi, I love your "Snuggles" quilt. I looks so warm and friendly.
Heidi, love the quilt...especially the textural fabrics...really make it pop.
That is a very cute name for a very cute quilt. I can just see you snuggled with a certain kitty,
next to the fire. Beautiful.
Love Mom
It's gorgeous! Happy snuggling!!
I love it!! Such beautiful colors. Turning twenty is one of my favorite pattern. I must show the girls in my club this quilt because we all like to do turning twenty quilts :)
Heidi, this quit is beautiful; Another masterpiece!!!
Such lovely fabrics Heidi, what a great feeling it is to have another ufo finished and all ready for the chilly weather.
Heidi, this quilt is so pretty. I love the different fabrics and with a flannel backing it will be very cozy. I love this time of year and really enjoy decorating for Halloween. I just finished setting out fall so I just tucked a little Halloween here and there...not as much as usual.
Did you see back on your 9-17 post I gave you a little award? It on my blog dated 9-18...that post was so mixed up. I had mistakes and was not able to correct them...blogger was acting up. I'm still reading and enjoying my search for the Blue Willow poem...I know I will find it...until I do I'm having a good time. Hugs, Linda
YAHOO - Another UFO finished and a sweet one. Those fabrics are yummy, soft and sweet - and I think snuggles is the perfect name.
hugs - karen
OMG!!! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt! What a beautiful job you did Heidi. I think I would want to "snuggle" under that all day and night!
One again you have inspired me to think out side the box by using fabrics other than traditional cotton fabrics. Now I must go dig through my fancy fabric stash :-)
OH my....I ahve never seen this quilt before and I LOVE IT!!!! Any chance you can make a duplicate for me??? :oP Well actually my bedroom colors are dark chocolate brown and light blue *hint hint* Tee hee! Love you and miss you!
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