~ Claude Monet
Could this also be perhaps the case for quilters? There are many vintage patterns that are based on flowers as is my latest block for the Centennial Sampler. This weekend I choose to only make one as I wanted to get some time in on my hand quilting. I sewed "Bridal Bouquet" and love the old fashionedness of this block. Okay, I know that is not a word but I like it. I was actually glad I had only prepared this one block as there was quite alot of set~in piecing (visible Y seams if you enlarge the photo) to be done and I would not have finished a second block. As you can see, I have now added yet another color which is pink.
I wanted to answer a question Joni asked in my last entry about using 3 purples and 3 greens when I sewed the spider web. I did this deliberately as in days gone by, they were less acurate as we are now. They used what they had not going out to buy quilt fabric for a project which is a modern day luxury. For this reason, I did not want the fabrics to be too well distributed among the design. I am making subtle 'mistakes' along the way to continue with that old~fashionedness theme. I have had humorous comments from ladies in my quilt group about not matching the stripes in my hourglass block too. They said it was 'so unlike Heidi'. *grins*
I wanted you to know that I enjoy reading your blog, and have nominated you for a Kreative Blogger award. Please stop by my blog and pick up your award.
Love the bouquet!! Don't know if I'm gona make that one. To difficult for me...
Got the book in the mail today, happy as a child ;)
I'm gona show up early wednesday, because I have more questions about blogging (is that a word??)
If I have enough time I will show two others blocks I made last weekend. I'm so busy working on the 'swap'blocks, and I have to finish the last border on the medallion quilt.
Busy as a bee
Heidi, I love your quilt blocks and this latest one is beautiful. I'm thinking of making a quilt out of old shirts of my DH and some of his denim overalls. I'm thinking of just making a block quilt, probably 9" blocks...what do you think?
I love that bouquet, it is so pretty. But then it's right in line with the others. what a fun project it looks like your having fun with your project.
I have made that Bridal bouquet block, as a test piece to see if I wanted to use it for a quilt. Having done one, I decided it was enough!
Stop drooling on my fabric!!!!
Don't know where I bought it, I think in the USA.
I will bring you a little piece if you want.
How pretty Heidi! I am learning so much from you about quilting and designs. Your piecing is just perfect as is your colour selection.
Beautiful bouquet and lovely hat!
Hugs, Carolien
WOW that block is a stunner - LOVE IT and it also scares me, LOL. Looks a little complicated there sister but yours looks beautiful - as always.
Hugs - karen
Hey I have 11 for our swap and working on #12 - YAHOO
So pretty!!! I love the colors you are using, too. Looks like a difficult pattern to sew. You always amaze me with your quilting talent. Ok, off to finish cleaning and sewing!
xoxo to you and Dagi,
Becky and Duhgall
This one is really different. I cannot wait to see all this finished. To answer your question, yes, I did stitch while watching the ships. I will post pics when I get home.
Love you, Mom
This one is really different. I cannot wait to see all this finished. To answer your question, yes, I did stitch while watching the ships. I will post pics when I get home.
Love you, Mom
I did an entry for you, and do not know where it went. I am on Kristy's computer and ???? To answer your question, yes, I did stitch and knit while listening to talking books while watching the ships. I will post pictures when I get home tomorrow. We decided to stop here for one night.
Love you, Mom
'Old Fashionedness'...I like that! I love your blocks too! You just reminded me that I have a Christmas Angel pattern that I've been holding onto for years because I have not mustered up the courage to tackle all the seaming it requires...By the way, after all the trial and error with the marking pencils, I settled on Roxanne's Quilter's Choice.
no new block?
I forgot to give you that wet piece of fabric that you were drooling over...
promise to bring you a scrap or two over this week.
I'm preparing 6 more blocks so that i have something to do next weekend.
That is a beautiful block.
I love the little "mistakes" that is so cute.
We will never know if you did it on purpose or not...Good Idea!
Have a good day!
Heidi, I like to read your blog! I`m from Russia. I like crossstiching too, but I like to do big works (??? - my English isn`t good)))/
You have been quilting up a storm Heidi! Lovely quilt blocks and I too like the look of traditional quilting.
Good morning Heidi! Just a little note to say that the children and I look forward to Tuesday too :)
Have a nice weekend & groetjes voor jou, Jos and mom! Hugs, Carolien
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