Now I must admit through my frustration about some things shown and not shown on online instructions about yo-yo's, I have now seen a better way to put these together. I think this could have looked nicer had I realized it ahead of time but my next attempt will be better as a result. I also must say that square yo-yo's are not as square as I thought they would be when I started.
I debated with myself last night to use vintage buttons on them or not. Jos came downstairs and looked and immediately said not to use them. Well as I had laid them in rows after taking them off the tablerunner to look at it without once again, I thought I will keep the buttons out to make buttons icicles for my winter tree.
I received a sweet gift this week from a friend. It is a piece of July 4th fabric and my friend's latest little design. How is she? Tanya ~ The Sampler Girl. If you don't know her designs, they are well worth a look and she takes direct orders now from her website. I have a couple of plans for this fabric but cannot share it yet as one will be a little gift in return for her. Thanks so much Tanya!
I have decided to put my Beatrix Potter Quaker sampler aside again and pick up Silent Sampler once again. Why? This one is smaller and can be finished faster than the other. I really would like to have one of these two WIPs finished this summer. It just seemed more likely that I could finish this one in the amount of time. I am just about at the half way point now. This is not a great photo. It is a sampler that is not easy to photograph.
Off to pack my Centennial Sampler fabrics and patterns to take to Cranberry Cottage. Have a great and creative weekend everyone!
Good Morning Heidi, Love he yoyo's, did you know that they now have templates for different sizes and shapes of yoyo's. It has two pieces where you fold your fabric and stitch all at once - pretty neat. Will try to find one for you.
So what is this about Beatrix Potter!!!!
With stitches and friendship
I absolutely love your yo-yo table runner!
Enjoy your weekend in paradise! :D
I love your yo-yo table runner Heidi! The colors are very soothing. And, your Silent Sampler is coming along very nice. Can't wait to see what you make with the patriotic fabric Tanya sent.
Enjoy Cranberry Cottage!
I agree with Jos, that does not need buttons. Ohhhhhhh you are a nut, remember how much buttons cost in Holland and now you are going to go buy more. Oh my! Which tree will these go on?
I loveeeeee that fabric, love it, love it, love it. That is my kind of print big time.
You sampler is so pretty. Certainly too hard for me but very pretty.
Love you, Mom
OMG that is soooo pretty. No buttons it's perfect as is!!!
Hmmmm button icicles I'm intrigued.I can't wait to see those..I absolutely LOVE your winter tree what a wonderful idea. It's beautiful!
Love your table runner. It's funny how we seem to be making or doing the same things. I have 5 more yo-yos to make and will be ready to sew my runner together this weekend. Mine is in autumn shades and I'm thinking instead of one runner I might make two smaller ones and use them as candle mats under some tin holders I have. Also, I just stopped in at my favorite quilt shop Las Colchas (the one in the old house) and bought a pack they had assembled of patriotic fabrics :)
Hugs, Joanne
Hello Heidi
ooo it's beautifull!!!
I love Tanya's fabric
Your silent Sampler is so nice!!!
Happy stitching
Love that table runner. Your talents never cease to amaze me. I just love vintage buttons too - can't wait to see what you do with those. Oh what a treat from Tanya - I hope you share what you do with it all. I haven't picked up my Silent Sampler in what feels like forever, but it has been haunting me lately. Perhaps you will inspire me.
Love that yo yo table runner - that is soooo cute. Love your idea on using your buttons to make icicles for your winter tree - I'm filing that away for future idea. Nice treat in your mail. Have a wonderful weekend at Cranberry Cottage.
Hugs - Karen
Well, I've never heard of these yo yo's before, but they're beautiful, finished as this table runner!
Your Silent Sampler is very pretty. I've never seen it before.
Hi Heidi,
I love the yo you table runner and your cross stitch.Hope your having a great weekend at Cranberry Cottage.
Take care JO
I absolutely love those yo-yos and the way you "finally" used them! I didn't understand a word of what you said when you were telling me how to put them together but if I ever make some I'll let you explain it to me all over again. OK?
What a fun table runner. I agree that the buttons would have been way too much unless a few randowm ones here and there.
Silent Sampler is a beauty and what a nice gift you received from Tanya.
Hello good friend
Thought I'd see what sewing you'd been up to. The yo yo placemat is precious. I love the colors. I've never made yo yos, but I love the look of them. Someday I'll make some. When I was at the Houston quilt show a couple of years ago, there was a king size quilt made out of yo yos that were about the size of a dime. It was incredible. Can't imagine how many hours of work it would have been.
Hope you have a lovely day.
Hugs, Rhondi
Well I should have come here first to see your awesome yo-yo runner! I think it is fantastic!
Your Silent Sampler is beautiful!
Tanyas designs are wonderful. I am totally redecoating the new house when ever that happens and I can see some of Tanyas designs going great with new furniture. The pink rooster is top of the list!
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