Yesterday one of my lacemaking friend's came over in the afternoon so we could do some hobbies and chatting over tea. I worked yesterday and today to get a new piece of bobbin lace finished for... lace pinkeep. I don't know if you remember me mentioning it? It has been a while since I have added to this project which you can see the last post about it here. This has sat too long now that I look at the date. I would like to finish it this summer.
I now will have to decide on the next piece of lace to make. I can either make a wide piece needing only one or two smaller pieces. Time to search through my books and patterns once again...
OH Heidi how beautiful! I've never made lace before and always admired the materials and tools to make it - it seems, and I have heard that it is a very relaxing thing to do. Your photograph showing all the bobbins is wonderful! Perhaps one day I'll sit down and learn this beautiful art!
Heidi, is there anything you cannot do? Your lace pinkeep is coming together beautifully!
I am really looking forward to seeing this project finished. It's very beautiful Heidi, and I love white with natural linen!
I have always loved the look of handmade lace. I had a friend who used to tat - we'd get together for tatting and stitching sessions. :D
I love your lace Heidi it is just beautiful.
What a gorgeous piece of lace. You will have such a unique product when you are done. WOW!
I loved the piece so much that I tracked down the book and bought it...
Thanks for sharing your needlework life with us.
How lovely!
I think you outdid yourself on this second item you made. BEAUTIFUL.
Love you, Mom
Hello Heidi, I'm still catching up with everything and everybody ... but your lace is beautiful! I love the real, delicate lace you make.
I am still sewing, finished the costumes for the girls (Roman ladies) and will continue sewing the curtains for school. Five curtains to darken some windows (for beamers etc.). I don't even know where they will be hanging :)
Two different fabrics, one feels like plastic, so I keep my fingers crossed it will work ... André thinks I'm crazy doing al that sewing. I guess he's right. I have a painful right heel from the sewing of the last days, ahum! :)
Fleur loved that card so much! Thank you, how very sweet!
I hope you had a pleasant afternoon with Sonja!!!
I will write later, o.k.?
Have a nice weekend & hugs, Carolien
Heidi, you have the patience of Jobe to do this! Like Annemarie said, is there nothing you cannot do? LOL - you have been so blessed with talent! That is for sure. I have been thinking about you all week and wondering about whether or not a puppy is living under your roof. We saw some WC's at the beach 2 weeks ago and I'll be doing a post with their pics. Too cute!
We are all fine. Yes, DS is stationed back home now. Will fill in more via an email.
Missed you and have a great weekend and happy 4th to you, too.
B, D and S.
What a beautiful item, Heidi. You must have the gift of patience and a real attention to detail. I love the look of the delicate lace against the rustic cloth.
I hope you don't get this twice - I've had trouble posting my comment this evening.
Gorgeous, simply gorgeous!
As a brand new lacemaker who is really struggling I only wish I could take a masterclass with you.
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