Another personal challenge this year was to try and finish as many of my quilt UFOs as possible. I pulled two more off my hangers and got one of them started. This is a tablerunner I worked up as a sampler for a high tea workshop but never gave as I decided to stop giving lessons. I am hand quilting this one too and keeping it rather simple to accent the simple lines of the quilt.
The second UFO is waiting on my ironing board to be sandwiched and will be machine quilted as it is unusual fabrics that would be too difficult to hand quilt. More about that one hopefully next week...
And finally a question for all your out there in blogland. I received these old fashioned wash pegs from a friend who knew I was looking for them to put in a jar in my redecorated laundry room when it is done. They are new and very light wood. Does anyone know a method to make them look old? I would love any tips and suggestions.
Have a great weekend everyone! My hobby backpack is ready to go to Cranberry Cottage. I hope to sew two more patchwork blocks while I am there as well as do some stitching on Silent Sampler.
Silent Sampler is sooooo beautiful Heidi! Congratulations on meeting your goal.
I will look forward to Monday to see your newest patchwork blocks. Enjoy your weekend!
That sampler is soooo beautiful. Wow. It looks way to hard for me.
I cannot believe you got the clothes pins. You have some good friends. All I can think os is leaving them out in the weather.
Your quilt is pretty too.
Have a great weekend in the North.
Love you, Be safe, Mom
Waaaaaaaaa..your not giving quilt lessons anymore!! There goes my dream of learning from the best!
Silent Sampler is beautiful. We are cheering for you to get it done by Summers end.
The cloths pins are awesome. How fun! I don't know about aging them. Maybe stains, tea dying or like your mom suggested leaving them outside. Maybe you can find some ideas on websites about distressing furniture.
Have fun at the cottage!!
Hi Heidi,
How about boiling coffee grounds and then steeping the pins in that. Will stain them and make them look old I would think.
Have fun with that!
Silent Sampler is on my wishlist. The next time I can charge online, it will be mine! You could possibly paint the clothes pins white and then use some sandpaper to lightly sand them - and get some of the wood showing through. Depends on the look you are going for.
Linda in VA
Walnut oil. Rub it in with a wrinkly/coarse cloth, a little at a time and at different saturations. But be careful - that stuff is impossible to get out of clothing!
Love your sampler!
That silent sampler is beautiful - have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs - Karen
Hi Heidi, the Silent Sampler is looking great, but I am still hoping for Beatrix Potter to be done this year! ;o))
Try putting some stain in a small spray bottle or us a paint brush to splatter the stain on!
Your Silent Sampler is beautiful Heidi. I love the old fashioned look to it.
Speaking of old fashioned those pegs are a blast from the past!
I remember them well from my childhood.
you seem very busy these days again heidi, grats on your goal!
I hope you have a very good weekend!
SS is just lovely and I'm looking forward to the new weekend squares. I'm with Nancy V... leave them lay out in the sun and rain and they'll look old quick!
Hope your weekend has been a productive one as planned, Heidi!
I gave you an award on my Blog - take a peek!
Your Silent Sampler is looking GREAT.
Your quilt table runner is so pretty.
I cannot offer you any help with the clothes-pins but I am looking forward to seeing what you do with them.
Heidi, hi there,
What a great idea to do a summer project. I will have to sort one out too. You have made such a lot of progress on Silent Sampler since I saw it in your home :>) It's really a beautiful design.
Your clothes pins are lovely, I have some too which I intend using to make some Christmas angels. I bought some in a Church fete a few years back and meant to make some similar ones.
Stitching Betty suggests using walnut crystals which apparently can be easily bought online to make a good ageing stain. Why don't you try one or two different recipes only using one peg each time to get a selection.
How lovely to be finishing up some of your beautiful quilts. I can't wait to see the end results. I love your mini ones very much :>)
Warm hugs, Angela
Hi Heidi, your sampler is beautiful! It is now on my wishlist!
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