This package came in the mail from Margaret. She sent the gift along with a few extra items of a chart by Brenda Keyes and some strawberry bonbons.
Margaret made me a thread tidy bag with an attached pincushion stitched with an adorable strawberry motif.
She also stitched me this little strawberry scissor fob. How cute it is with even a tiny strawberry on the back. I am pretty sure that she made the cording herself. It is just wonderful!
The thread Margaret choose is Strawberry Fields by The Dye Is Cast. Ironically, I almost used a strawberry theme for my own swap gift but changed my mind at the last minute when I found a cute idea which also was very summer to me.
Thank you so much for my summer swap gifts Margaret! I love them and I know this thread tidy bag will be a joy to use.
I will share the gift I made as soon as I hear that my partner has received her package in the mail. It should arrive today or tomorrow but I cannot say where... Are all you ladies out there guessing where it will arrive? *grins*
Just gorgeous! Lucky Heidi!! Margaret did a wonderful job and I just adore that ort bag. It's simply AB FAB!!
Heidi, I'm still smiling at the fact that you gifted me that gorgeous strawberry fabric in the first place :)
I loved it so much and knew I had to use it forsoemthing special.
I'm happy that you liked your package.
Happy Summer!
Heidi, it is such a lovely gift, Margaret did an incrediable stitch for you. What fun.
PS tried to leave a message at Celebration of the Seasons and could not - loved the pillows! you are so creative! and yes, little ties are playthings for kitties ;o))
So you are the lucky recipient of this gorgeous gift from Margaret! It is so beautifully stitched and finished. I saw this on Margaret's blog just this morning. Enjoy!
I just saw this on Margaret's blog and now I will tell you also. This is a wonderful gift and so cute that you gave her the fabric in the first place. I know you and I am sure you will love these gifts.
Love you, Mom
so lovely!!!
Gorgeous work Margaret!!!
Such a lovely "exchange" gift and strawberries are so summery. Enjoy the bonbons,
Warm hugs, Hazel
Wow, wow, wow! It's toooo beautiful!!! LOL It's simply wow, all of it. Everything.
I hope you will have lots of fun with it! Margaret is such an artist, unbelievable.
Hugs, Heidi.
Lovely swap!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'll have to set some time aside today to read yours ... what fun! :D
Wow Heidi,
Your gift from Margaret is exquisite. I love that fabric so much and the design Margaret chose to stitch on it is perfect. it's looks smells and shouts out SUMMERTIME! The little fob is so pretty and the other gifts are just the cream atop the strawberries...haha! Margaret's workmanship is amazing!
Love Angela
I love your gifts, they are just gorgeous!
Absolutely summertime beautiful! I love strawberries and every single thing that was chosen is just so perfect it couldn't help but make your heart smile.
WOW that's adorable and a very sweet treat.
hugs- Karen
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