Here are the members results for third assignment...
Elly ~ She choose the quilt block 'Pages of time with bookends' which symbolizes all her friends and family that have been her support over the years.
Miep ~ She choose to use a diamond shape, one each for her three children and 9 grandchildren. She choose the rose prints as they are her roses. The corners are done in crazy quilt blocks as her (grand) children are a little crazy she says with a wink and a smile.
Jacomina ~ She choose this border more as a symbol for the fabrics. Her siblings, two brothers, are much older than she. As a result, she did many things with her mother alone and one of them was to go visit the castle 'Menkemaborg'. This border stands for the rose gardens at the castle.
Bep ~ Her quilt has little symbols denoting her parents and brothers along with her nieces and nephews. The hearts in the corners are for her dear husband.
Nell ~ She did two mini medallions which are now turned into pillows.
Enny ~ Her diamond shapes stand for smooth sailing in life with her family.
Albertha ~ This is the first time you have seen her quilt so I will start with the center which is the symbol of her first grandchild. At the time she sewed this compass block little Joshua was not yet born. He is now a healthy little three week old baby. Her next border uses four different blocks on each side which are her four children who are all very different boys. Her last border is all the family built around them.
Joke ~ Her border has crossovers throughout which stand for the difficult moments in life. The four yellow squares are for her four grandchildren. The four corner crossovers are symbols for she and her husband, her son and daughter. The background fabrics in the corners are symbols for she and her husbands parents.
Saskia ~ I shared her center block earlier but her first border is the friendship star block used in the pattern forming tumbling stars. This was because it was the first project I had done together with the quilt group after we started many years ago. Saskia was part of the first group and the first person to join my quilt group. Her second border has trees in the corners symbolizing her grandparents. The apple tree on the right is for her mother (Joke is her mother who is also in the group) and the red maple on the left is for her father. At the bottom, there is a red maple leaf and a green leaf which stands for herself. One the top, which I unfortunately cut off a little, are two doggie paws which symbolize her adorable chocolate lab Rover.
These ladies are doing a marvelous job on these quilts. I am humbled by them each month as we show them once again. They are really allowing these quilts to tell their stories both good and bad letting them become a spiritual journey. I feel very honored to lead this group of very talented women!
What a lovely thought, to have quilts with such meanings. I'm sure they will treasure them. Thank you for showing them.
Omigosh!! These are getting prettier and prettier. I love Saskia's trees. And the colors in Bep's and Albertha's, so bright and wonderful. And Enny... I love those "stripes" in the chevron pattern around her center medallion. Miep's diamonds are wonderful and I love the fish in the corner blocks. Jacomina's is so rosy and the colors are soft and warm (makes me want to curl up under it!). I love Joke's crossovers, never seen that before and I love the dark red and the birdhouse, of course. And Nell can send me those marvelous pillows if she doesn't have room for them in her house. And Elly... the Star of David in that lovely fabric from Jerusalem... just beautiful. I'm getting all weepy again because they are just all so beautiful and the ladies are so talented and creative. Thank you, Heidi, for sharing these wonders. And, thank you, LADIES for making them!!
What an extremely talented group of ladies! Each quilt is exquisite with beauty of its own kind. Thank them for sharing their stories and talents with us! It must be an awesome feeling to spend time with them.
beautiful quilts
Thanks for sharing these pictures and stories with us. How wonderful are all these very personal quilts! I am curious to see yours when it is finished :)
Have a nice evening and hugs, Carolien
Well Heidi, since I have known most of these ladies for a few years now, they have become very special. I loved seeing these quilts when we were there having our special dutch night.
The border they have just added shows how talented and thoughtful they are. Everyone so shows the personality of the maker.
They have all come so far since you started and these quilts all tell wonderful stories.
We now need to see yours posted on this blog please. Tell everyone hello for me and I really love every quilt.
Love you, Mom
These ladies are so talented. ALL the quilts are just beautiful and I love how personal they are. The stories behind them truly make them come to life. Congrats to all of you!!
Seeing these beautiful quilts has brought back the wonderful evening we spent with your special friends. They were all so kind to us and prepared a delicious supper . They really are lovely and what a great teacher you are Heidi.
Wow eeeeeeee! Gorgeous quilts - just beyond works of art.
Happy Weekend,
Amazing, amazing talent! Ok, I am totally convinced now that I need to take up quilting. Every single time I see a quilt, I get all kinds of ideas in my head and designs to put on paper.
Love the cottage on the pillow. So cute!
Have a great new week, Heidi. Hope all is well with y'all. We are as busy as hens in a hen house here. Say that fast three times. ha!
love ya and kisses to Dagi from Socks and Doogs.
Gosh Heidi,
Seeing the next stage of, not only these amazing quilts, but also the continuation of the stories of these incredible ladies lives is very poignant. Having met them and been welcomed by them so warmly i feel much better able to understand the real significance of their beautiful creations. Please remember me to them and give them my love and, thank you, Heidi, for letting us share in this very special project :>)
Hugs, Angela
What a wonderful quilt show. I love the stories behind each and every one.
Your quilt group ladies do beautiful work. Please pass on my compliments to them.
My goodness those quilts are stunning and the meaning behind them makes them even more special. Did you get my email about my questions for the swap :)
Hugs - karen
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