On Thursday morning, we left to drive up to Cranberry Cottage. We stopped at the village of Staphorst to have some lunch, shop at a place selling Dutch souviners and see the typical Staphorster farms with their distinctive blue and green paint work.
Milk pails and cans drying on a rack at the farm.
The countryside in the north of Holland is exquisite! The people are very friendly and there are so many wonderful things to see. We picked a manor house and went there one morning to sample the atmosphere.
Being truly addicted to handwork, we examined this beautiful patchwork quilt for quite some time. It has left such an impression on me that I have decided to try and replicate it when I get a couple of my UFOs completed. I will begin to plan the size I will use for the triangles and can cut some of them each time I need to get some fabrics out of my stash cupboard. This is going to be an exciting project for me as it will, in a way, be a special rememberance of the get~together.
I love paying attention to details which is why I enjoy manor houses. It is a wonderful way to peek into the past and things like the pretty card above and this table of portraits and silhouettes really caught my eye. If you read my CelebrateTheSeasons blog, you will already know that I love silhouettes so much that I have begun making aged replicas myself.
We stood for a good while admiring these adorable little black sheep and lambs by the roadside.
Off to Brugge on Monday morning to enjoy the sights and shops. Again my readers of the other blog will know that I love wrought iron. This was in a church we stopped in to view after having a delicious three course lunch at a tiny restaurant on the edge of the city.
The stained glass window really explodes with color like a magical quilt or piece of embroidery.
Even though it was 28C and we were all so very hot, I had to take them to experience the special hot chocolate served at The Proverie. It is something not to be missed in Brugge. This lovely picture was hanging over the fireplace behind the table we sat at. I think we were all so busy talking that we did not think to take photos of things we did but you can see it on this link.
There were many swans on their nests by the Minnewater. How sweet to see these mothers with their young.
I took them to a shop I go to each time I visit Brugge where there are many vintage laces, trims and buttons for sale. For anyone who enjoys these things, it is like going into a candy shop as a child and hard to leave again. Right Angela??? This little tea house was just outside of the shop. I was standing at it dreaming I could own such a pretty place to sit and have some tea while stitching or quilting.
We came across this mermaid during a walk and I had to take a photo of it for our friend Margaret. You, Britt and Francoise were with us in spirit dear Margaret!
And with a final glimspe into a beautiful little lane with its historic houses, we walked to the station to pick up our cars and head back home again...
Thank you for this lovely tour, Heidi! I think I want to go to Brugge ... :) Bad thing I have never been there (we went to Gent several times).
Hugs, Carolien
Wow! I've been waiting for the pictures and it has been worth the wait.
What a great itinerary you planned - so many lovely places. I almost feel as though I was there.
The quilt is gorgeous - love those soft muted colours although I suppose they were brighter when first pieced.
I'm really looking forward to Angela's account of the haberdashery shop. I know I will be so jealous :)
What a fabulous mermaid! I would have loved to see her but your picture is the next best thing.
Thank you for thinking of me.
I certainly thought of all of you often and was with you in spirit.
What beautiful countryside and lovely historic buildings etc. to look at.Thanks for sharing the photos.Maybe one day I might get to see some of the places in real life,dream ,dream.Have a nice day.
I have only one thing to say, you just brought it all back. It was a wonderful time.
Love you bunches, Mom
What a beautiful little tour! Thank you for sharing. I'm looking forward to Part 2.
I so want to visit too!
What a beautiful quilt you saw.
What wonderful photos with such beautiful architecture! Isn't the quilt amazing? I love how the border, almost at the bottom, stands out on its own against the other fabrics. And, the display of silhouettes is so nice; such a pretty change from hanging on the wall.
My dear friend Heidi
What a lovely day you must have had. All those places look so interesting. I love that quilt too. It's all pinwheel blocks isn't it?
I have been making quilt tops all week for 4 different people with that same block. I cut 4" squares, then cut them in half to form triangles. I sew those triangle together in other color combinations to make new squares. Four squares form the pinwheel which I trim to 6 1/2". They go together very quickly. Here is a link to instructions that show how to make a whole bunch at once. http://www.sewaquilt.com/pinwheel.html
Maybe you know how already!
Hugs, Rhondi
Ahhhhh, your pictures bring it all back to me and I'll look at them often since I managed to take only 32 pics the entire time. And 3 of those pics are of Jos! And somehow I managed to NOT get a pic of Bep's wonderful quilt (remember the one that gave me goosebumps?).
Hello Heidi
Thanks for your pictures
lovely places !!!!
lovely mermaid!!!special for Margaret!!!
Wonderfull time!!!
What a wonderful time you gals had. Just love the buildings and small streets, the countryside and that quilt-OH!! I know the shopping was terrific and the food as well. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Heidi,
I've heard of the wonderful story about their staying in Holland from Angela!
The photos are amazingly beautiful and very romantic to me, as I'm a Japanese, it's rare to see such beautiful towns and romantic buildings!!
I'm sure it was so wonderful time together!
Wonderful photos - thanks for sharing
Oh how wonderful!!! That looks like such a nice way to spend the day!
How fun this must have been. EVerything is so beautiful and different than here in the U.S.A.
What a wonderful day you must have had. Thanks for sharing the pictures and explaining them to us. The buildings and shops and scenes were wonderful to experience.
Heidi, I want to live where you live. I too love that quilt! There is an easier way to construct this pinwheel block ~ rather than cut triangles you can make half square triangles. I have a "how to" sheet on this that I will send via email if you like. Just email me.
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