While going through this closet, I decided it would be fun to hold a spring cleaning stash give~away. Simply leave a comment on this post and you will be entered for either a quilting or stitching gift. Please specify which you would like or both. Since there are two prizes, if you tell me both, you will have two chances at a prize.
Good luck! I will draw the two winners names on Tuesday, April 8th.
My pretty daffodils at Cranberry Cottage...
I cannot believe you are giving fabric away. wow. You will just buy more, so why do that? LOL.
I guess you can enter me in both. I am now stitching, and I know someone who would like the stash.
Love you, Mom
I will be seeing those flowers soon. George helped plant the seeds. They are soooo pretty. I remember thinking you were nuts for just putting them at random. Guess I was wrong. hahaha.
Love you, Mom
How sweet, a Spring giveaway, I'm going to say both, because it doubles my chances, although I doubt that number 1 will be chosen..... Love your daffodils.
Both.... LOL Heidi, you are wonderful. Your flowers are gorgeous.
I am not a bloggger but I would love a chance or two for your giveway. Thanks
Sarah T
You are so generous, Heidi. Of course, I will say both because everything you have is such an inspiration. Your daffodils are beautiful!!
I hoard fabric - add me to your list of names, please :)
A friend who is moving house has just arrived with 2 enormous bags of fabric! Sadly most of it is more suitable for uphostery, but there are one or two pretty cotton bits which I'm sure I can find a use for.
So, for me, and how kind of you, anything would be lovely.
Your daffodils are so beautiful.
Of course I want to enter both please.
Thanks so much for hosting this.
Our home computer has been out of whack but Jeff installed a new harddrive last night so I should be back to blogging soon.
Your flowers are beautiful - I just got back from a walk and the water is running like crazy out there from all the snow melting - hopefully we'll be seeing flowers soon too :) I'd love to be entered for the quilting gift - thanks!
Love your daffs and I love a contest so please can I be entered on both counts to your contest :)
Thanks Heidi have a nice rest of the day :)
Fabric!! Oh my heart just skip a beat!! Your generosity is only exceeded by your kindness to others! Whoever receives the cloth will be blessed! Susan in SC
I got excited that I forgot to say to enter me for both! :) Susan in SC
beautiful flowers.:D
Heidi,bhi there,
A spring clean - you put me to shame...haha! I was hoping to come and immerse myself in your clutter - there is nothing i like more...haha! But, I would be delighted and very grateful to be put down for either one of your gveaways.
Warm hugs, Angela
I cannot believe you're giving something away, but please sign me up for both! I am determined to start quilting this year!! I know I would never win on either drawing, but what the heck, enter me in.
Oh what fun - a giveaway from Heidi's stash! I am interested in both Heidi, so please enter my name.
Your Daffodils are lovely! They are blooming here too. We don't have any, but I can enjoy everyone else's!
I'll take both of course. What ever you have will be lovely I'm sure.
Please include me in both give-aways.
Thanks so much
Heidi - how wonderful that some of us get to benefit as you do - I would like to be in the drawing, please and either one would be lovely!
Both LOL!! How can I resist one of your giveaways. Love your daffys too, they look so cheerful
i say both . I will give it a try. Well this way you can reduce stash and maybe a stich ufo. The flowers are lovely.
Well, I just have to try for both. :o) I thought of you today when I was in a new-to-me fabric store called "Material Girl".
Tammy in NE
I would feel honored to win either one. I love reading your blog.
wow I would love to be in the draw for both of your giveaways
it will be our winter here soon and i cant think of a better way to spend my time that playing with new craft goodies
hugs Beth
Oh Heidi! This sounds like soooo much fun!! If I would win I would be glad to recieve either, but I'm going to be a little stingy and say both, lol. I just glanced at a few of the other posts and I see I'm not so stingy after all. Thank you Heidi for doing this for us and for being such an inspiration to us! Debbie (from Ohio and transplanted to WV)
I love your blog and check in often for inspiration and a shot of joy. I would like to enter both contests please. I just finished a quilted purse and am working on 4 stitching projects. We are enjoying lovely daffodils also. They are happy harbingers of spring. good luck with your spring cleaning.
As another fabric hoarder, please enter me in both, Heidi! :-) Your blog is always a feast for the senses!!! :-)
Oh, and your daffys are gorgeous and so very cheerful dancing in the breeze...
Please enter me in your giveaway! Either one would be great!!
What a wonderfull idea for 'cleaning'! I also would like to particepate in both draws als I like stitchery as well as quilting.
Please pick me and feed my addiction! Thanks for the chance.
LOL! I have an option for both drawings? Well, enter me to win both because I have a sneaky feeling that whatever you are making for both is going to be awesome! You are so sweet to do this!
I have been going through my stash of fabs and think it might be fun to pay it forward, too. Will have to see.
Have a lovely day and those daffs are gorgeous!!! Lucky you!
Becky and Doogs
kisses to Dagi
Well..I am so glad I stopped by!!! I will say both too!!
Make sure you stop over to my place on Friday for my giveaway!!
Hello Heidi
Wow, so many comments! I think you would like to get so many comments on every blog :)
Hugs en groetjes, Elly
hi!sorry , my english is so bad,but I wont to thank to you .Favour to you;I discovered the marvellous project de Lynette Anderson.I like very much the Noah's Ark,in patchwork or embroidery and,this project use the both
Your blog is so pretty and I like to trail around often
In France also,tle daffodils is blooming
Thankks Martine
Please put my name in for both - and when you finish spring cleaning there, would you like to come to Texas? :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your daffodils and LOVE the name "Cranberry Cottage"! Happy Spring!!!
Mmmmm... Give-away... Sounds so exiting!I would love a chance to have some fabric from you!
PS - I love your bunnies from the last post, they are so cute!
Both please for me too Heidi - I think the idea of a spring giveaway is sweet. Loved your daffodils.
Hello Heidi
I sent you an email in reply to a question you asked re my last posting.
I'll put my hand up to be entered in the draw for the stitchery - I'd like to be quilting but find I only have time and energy these days for projects that can be picked up quickly and then be tidied away just as quickly.
Oh yeah! A spring give away! Count me in! For both! What a nice way to find homes for your stash you no longer need! With your fellow stitchers, you know it'll go to a good home, instead of selling on Ebay and not knowing who the recipient is. Have fun picking the winners Heidi!
PS: Love your daffodils! So pretty!
Both please Heidi - and the daffodils are beautiful by the way
Hi there! You are giving away fabric!!! WOW..... I can't believe it! I would love to be entered in both as well! Oh by the way, the sun is finally shining here! :)
Hi Heidi,
Your flowers are beautiful.Idont have to many in my garden at the moment because we are in a drought here and arent allowed to water much.I would love to go in both thankyou so much.
I would LOVE to be a part of your drawing! Please enter me!!!! Cora
I love to stitch and am trying to do some quilting. So please enter me in both.
You are just too fun.
Cindy Liane
We are in some time sunny SF CA.
Who wouldn't want the chance to win something? Please enter my name in the draw for both gifts and I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed.
Your daffodils are so pretty, they dont grow in this part of Australia and I miss them, they are such cheerful flowers.
Hi Heidi, Just new to your blog Love it. Pls enter me in the draw. How exciting!
Hi Sorry forgot to say please enter me in both, I got so excited I pressed send sorry.Deb.
Ooops, I didn't specify which category I wanted if I win! Why, either one, of course!!!
It's such a good feeling to go through things and thin out. Although I really don't need a thing, feel free to throw my name in the hat for either one. Something from you and Holland would be lovely.'
Happy Spring - Karen
zHi Heidi, Can not wait until we see all your quilts etc for real. I won't be greedy and enter for I have already won one of your generous giveaways, good luck to all the others. See you soon, Hazel
Hello Heidi,
You won't believe it, but I found you while enjoying Mia'slandliv blogspot in Norway, when suddenly, there you were ..
How nice to read about you shopping around in Bruges (because that's where I live and work); have you been in The Lander or was it the Gobelin ? They both have such nice and georgeous things.
Wish you a nice day, and please count me in the drawing ..
Thank you, and greetings from Danielle from Bruges Belgum
I just love your flowers... can't wait for mine to start popping.. spring seems to be taking forever. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway. I would like either fabric or stitchery.
Pam A fr NY
Your fabric cupboard looks pretty full...just as much as my mother in law. Please put my name in both, you are so generous.
I also wanted to tell you that your flowers are just beautiful. I still have about 6 feet of snow on my front lawn so no signs of buds yet for me. Hopefully soon though.
Thanks Sandy
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