The first border is to be a symbol of an important person in your life. One who has been instrumental in shaping your life. This can be a partner, mother, father, brother, sister or best friend.
The border for me is the symbol of Jos, my husband. The four corners are done in an Ohio Star pattern which is where we met. The star is also choosen as he is now the center point in my own life. I choose to use crazy quilt patchwork between the stars as a symbol of our marriage. Married life is a series of learning to put pieces of ourselves together to create harmony but our life together has never been straight forward. I immigrated and had to learn a new culture and language as well as adjust to being a wife. It means that life is never a structured whole as it would have been had we been from the same culture. It is an ever changing pattern for us as we have also spent time living in other countries. I added the blues to the patchwork as that is a color I don't often use. It is a symbol of those moments that things are more difficult and yet when you stand back and look at the entire piece, it is beautiful and fits in well.
You can click on the photo to enlarge it.
Join me again next month for the new border on this quilt...
Hello Heidi, what a beautiful story to a beautiful quilt. Heel mooi om jouw uitleg in de keuzes van de patronen en kleuren te weten. En heel bijzonder zoals jij jouw handwerk ontwerpt!!
Heidi it is so pretty, and I love all the meaning behind this quilt. It will be a special treasure for certain!
What a wonderful quilt, and what a story behind it, so unique and also universal at the same time. You're an artist, Heidi.
Heidi, this is gorgeous and I love knowing the symbolism behind your choices. I didn't realize quilts could tell a story. To me, they are just pretty patterns of pretty fabric! Thank you!
Wow, you are deep girl. Now, you know I cannot miss a comment of, Yes, he is crazy, as in crazy quilt. LOL. Sorry Jos, but you are. He used to be sooo serious, but you brought out the true Jos. I love you Jos.
I love your story and the work is outstanding. Those points are perfect. Where will it hang when done? Can't wait to see the rest of it. Perfect work as usual.
Oh Heidi! The quilt is beyond beautiful, but the symbolism brought tears to my eyes. You are so very gifted and I am consider myself blessed even to see your work and read your words. I am just blown away.
The quilt is gorgeous but when you add the story of why you chose what you have, why it becomes something beyond words. I think you should write it down permanently somewhere and keep it for your quilt and future. Then, when they are hanging in a museum 100 years from now, they will have even more of a story to tell.
Hi Heidi, your quilt looks SO beautiful and it's even more beautiful because of the story attached to it. Wonderful! It must be very special to make such a 'story'.
I wish you all a good meeting tomorrow!
Hugs, Carolien
I don't know what I like better: the quilt or the story! Using the blue fabric at once in the middle of the quilt is a good challenge. Your story helps me to choose my blocks for next month. I'm very curious what our other friends made this month. See you tomorrow.
What a unique quilt this is turning out to be Heidi.
I loved the story behind your design choices.
The colours in the fabrics you have chosen are gorgeous.
You have told us a wonderful story about the meaning of your quilt. It is just beautiful!!!
Hello Heidi. I ran across your blog through Hedgerow Hollow. The quilt is beautiful and holds so much meaning--thanks for sharing! I rarely see quilts that I really like and this one is so artistic.
Have a good week!
Oh, I love this. The symbolism is lovely!
Hugs! Nancy
Oh Heidi what a sweet and tender post. I love how your explained your choices for your border. I hope you write that down so that you will always remember your choices. Will you be sharing the quilts from the others in your group.
Hugs to you - Karen
This quilt is amazing Heidi. I'm speechless. Just when I think you can't top yourself you do. I'm very impressed with the sentiment of this beutiful quilt. Nothing could be more special.
Very beautiful work Heidi!
just beautifull!!!!!
Heidi, what a beautiful quilt! I love the symbolism in it, what a fabulous story to express in fabric and thread.
hallo Heidi, ik zie nu net dat ik in de eerste reactie van mij mijn naam niet heb genoemd....Die eerste anonieme reactie was dus van Sonja. Groetjes.
So gorgeous, Heidi!!! I love the story behind it.
And another beautiful quilt!! And with a story yet!!! And I haven't even made one!
Heidi, I cannot find your mom's blog addy. I know you sent it, but what I did with it I don't know. Can you send it again?
Did you get my letter? Sorry if the multiple colors were annoying. I was experimenting. I think I'll stick with the white pencil next time. I like that the best!
much love!
Heidi: Thanks for stopping by my blog. You are one busy and talented lady. I love your medallion assignment idea. Last year our group did round robins. We each did a center block of our choice. Then we started passing them around the group with some extra fabric but the recipient could add some of hers, also. It was exciting when we reveled the finished quilts-all so different and beautiful. This year we had a lunch at a lavender farm so we have the assingment of making something with lavender as the focus color. They will be revealed in June at the next lavender lunch. I'll look forward to stopping by your blog often for more ideas.
Heidi, love the story for building your quilt which is lovely already. Looking forward to seeing the years progress and the final product. Hope you will share some of your quilting buddies projects and stories.
How beautiful. I am still waiting to purchase my first book written by my dear Aunt you know! If you were to write about quilting and what it means to you it would be a wonderful story! The quilt is just beautiful!!!
Hi Heidi,
What a nice 'top' you have made for your blog!
So beautiful Heidi!
How sweet and love all of your colors!! My friend, Jean (In the garden with miss jean) has several quilting shops/blogs linked on her blog. When you have a chance, stop by for a visit. There is a lovely young quilter, Figuroa is her last name, who designs fabrics and your piece reminds me of her style. Very sweet, Heidi!! Just like YOU!
love ya,
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